1400 Economists spend night in Cuba laughing at Moronic Bush
(too old to reply)
Vendicar Decarian
2004-02-16 15:35:31 UTC
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Sat Feb 14, 5:41 AM ET

By Anthony Boadle

HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban leader Fidel Castro (news - web sites) is using
humour to defend himself from U.S. hostility, ridiculing President George W.
Bush (news - web sites) for his gaffes.

"Bush could not debate a Cuban ninth grader, who knows more than he does,"
Castro said in a speech closing an international conference of economists
hosted by his communist government.

Castro had his audience of 1,400 economists in stitches when he read out
some of Bush's more unfortunate statements.

Among other gaffes, Castro quoted Bush as saying: "I will have a
foreign-handed foreign policy"; "I know how hard it is for you to put food
on your family"; "More and more of our imports come from overseas"; and "The
most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case".

Looking cheerful and dressed in a dark grey business suit with a
salmon-coloured tie instead of this trademark uniform, Castro laid to rest
recent rumours that he may have died by delivering a four-hour 20-minute
speech in which he railed against White House efforts to get rid of him.

"We must create a <economic> crisis in order to ensure that there is no
alternative to a smaller government." - Bush - Imprimus Magazine 1995.

"We seek to remove resources from the control of the state, thereby starving
it." - International Society for Individual Liberty - NeoCon Libertarian.

"Throughout his term, Bush has implied tax cuts would starve the government,
paying for themselves by causing budget deficits that, in turn, would place
heavy pressure on Congress to lower spending." - Jeff Lemieux - Senior
Economist - Progressive Policy Institute.

"They have an agenda which is to starve the government of revenue. But in
order to get it through, they keep on having to pretend that the tax cuts
are affordable, and so they've been suppressing the likely cost of
everything, including the war on terror." - Paul Krugman - Economist.
Uncle Samuel
2004-02-16 19:47:58 UTC
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Shaddup you commie pice of crap!
2004-02-16 21:58:11 UTC
Listen to Radio Havana Cuba sometime. The have a few minutes of American
bashing every hour. Have for at least twenty years.
Post by Uncle Samuel
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Shaddup you commie pice of crap!
Uncle Samuel
2004-02-16 23:47:54 UTC
Post by CW
Listen to Radio Havana Cuba sometime.
Lol, I have!
Post by CW
The have a few minutes of American
bashing every hour. Have for at least twenty years.
Yup, then try Radio For Peace Intl - now there's a globalist/commie
wet dream!
Post by CW
Post by Uncle Samuel
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Shaddup you commie pice of crap!
2004-02-17 02:50:39 UTC
I think RFPI is where all the 1960s Flower Children ended up. Good to run in
to another radio guy. Have good one.
Post by Uncle Samuel
Post by CW
Listen to Radio Havana Cuba sometime.
Lol, I have!
Post by CW
The have a few minutes of American
bashing every hour. Have for at least twenty years.
Yup, then try Radio For Peace Intl - now there's a globalist/commie
wet dream!
Post by CW
Post by Uncle Samuel
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Shaddup you commie pice of crap!
=> Vox Populi ©
2004-02-17 08:45:24 UTC
Post by Uncle Samuel
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Shaddup you commie pice of crap!
Go back to Portugal you jackbooted fascist piece of shit.
"This would be the best of all possible worlds,
if there were no religions in it."
- John Adams
Uncle Samuel
2004-02-17 16:57:35 UTC
Post by => Vox Populi ©
Post by Uncle Samuel
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Shaddup you commie pice of crap!
Go back to Portugal
Meet me in the Azores you 2$ whore.
=> Vox Populi ©
2004-02-17 08:44:37 UTC
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Sat Feb 14, 5:41 AM ET
By Anthony Boadle
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban leader Fidel Castro (news - web sites) is
using humour to defend himself from U.S. hostility, ridiculing
President George W. Bush (news - web sites) for his gaffes.
"Bush could not debate a Cuban ninth grader, who knows more than he
does," Castro said in a speech closing an international conference of
economists hosted by his communist government.
Castro had his audience of 1,400 economists in stitches when he read
out some of Bush's more unfortunate statements.
Among other gaffes, Castro quoted Bush as saying: "I will have a
foreign-handed foreign policy"; "I know how hard it is for you to put
food on your family"; "More and more of our imports come from
overseas"; and "The most important job is not to be governor, or
first lady in my case".
Looking cheerful and dressed in a dark grey business suit with a
salmon-coloured tie instead of this trademark uniform, Castro laid to
rest recent rumours that he may have died by delivering a four-hour
20-minute speech in which he railed against White House efforts to
get rid of him.
"Naturally, the common people don't want war;
neither in Russia nor in England nor in America,
nor for that matter in Germany.
That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders
of the country who determine the policy and
it is always a simple matter to drag the people
along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist
dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist
dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can
always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them
they are being attacked and denounce the
pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same way
in any country."

- Hermann Goering, Nazi Reichsmarshall
Vendicar Decarian
2004-02-17 15:39:01 UTC
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Sat Feb 14, 5:41 AM ET
By Anthony Boadle
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban leader Fidel Castro (news - web sites) is using
humour to defend himself from U.S. hostility, ridiculing President George
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Bush (news - web sites) for his gaffes.
"Bush could not debate a Cuban ninth grader, who knows more than he does,"
Castro said in a speech closing an international conference of economists
hosted by his communist government.
Castro had his audience of 1,400 economists in stitches when he read out
some of Bush's more unfortunate statements.
Among other gaffes, Castro quoted Bush as saying: "I will have a
foreign-handed foreign policy"; "I know how hard it is for you to put food
on your family"; "More and more of our imports come from overseas"; and
Post by Vendicar Decarian
most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case".
Looking cheerful and dressed in a dark grey business suit with a
salmon-coloured tie instead of this trademark uniform, Castro laid to rest
recent rumours that he may have died by delivering a four-hour 20-minute
speech in which he railed against White House efforts to get rid of him.
"We must create a <economic> crisis in order to ensure that there is no
alternative to a smaller government." - Bush - Imprimus Magazine 1995.
"We seek to remove resources from the control of the state, thereby
Post by Vendicar Decarian
it." - International Society for Individual Liberty - NeoCon Libertarian.
"Throughout his term, Bush has implied tax cuts would starve the
Post by Vendicar Decarian
paying for themselves by causing budget deficits that, in turn, would
Post by Vendicar Decarian
heavy pressure on Congress to lower spending." - Jeff Lemieux - Senior
Economist - Progressive Policy Institute.
"They have an agenda which is to starve the government of revenue. But in
order to get it through, they keep on having to pretend that the tax cuts
are affordable, and so they've been suppressing the likely cost of
everything, including the war on terror." - Paul Krugman - Economist.
Uncle Samuel
2004-02-17 16:57:36 UTC
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:39:01 -0500, "Vendicar Decarian" <***@Pyro.net>

cram it you stinking canuck cretin.
Newsgroups: alabama.politics,alt.sewing,alt.usa-sucks,co.politics
Subject: Re: 1400 Economists spend night in Cuba laughing at Moronic Bush
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Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:39:01 -0500
X-Trace: read1.cgocable.net 1077032576 (Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:42:56 EST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:42:56 EST
Organization: Cogeco Cable
Vendicar Decarian
2004-02-17 15:39:17 UTC
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Castro ridicules gaffe-prone Bush
Sat Feb 14, 5:41 AM ET
By Anthony Boadle
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban leader Fidel Castro (news - web sites) is using
humour to defend himself from U.S. hostility, ridiculing President George
Post by Vendicar Decarian
Bush (news - web sites) for his gaffes.
"Bush could not debate a Cuban ninth grader, who knows more than he does,"
Castro said in a speech closing an international conference of economists
hosted by his communist government.
Castro had his audience of 1,400 economists in stitches when he read out
some of Bush's more unfortunate statements.
Among other gaffes, Castro quoted Bush as saying: "I will have a
foreign-handed foreign policy"; "I know how hard it is for you to put food
on your family"; "More and more of our imports come from overseas"; and
Post by Vendicar Decarian
most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case".
Looking cheerful and dressed in a dark grey business suit with a
salmon-coloured tie instead of this trademark uniform, Castro laid to rest
recent rumours that he may have died by delivering a four-hour 20-minute
speech in which he railed against White House efforts to get rid of him.
"We must create a <economic> crisis in order to ensure that there is no
alternative to a smaller government." - Bush - Imprimus Magazine 1995.
"We seek to remove resources from the control of the state, thereby
Post by Vendicar Decarian
it." - International Society for Individual Liberty - NeoCon Libertarian.
"Throughout his term, Bush has implied tax cuts would starve the
Post by Vendicar Decarian
paying for themselves by causing budget deficits that, in turn, would
Post by Vendicar Decarian
heavy pressure on Congress to lower spending." - Jeff Lemieux - Senior
Economist - Progressive Policy Institute.
"They have an agenda which is to starve the government of revenue. But in
order to get it through, they keep on having to pretend that the tax cuts
are affordable, and so they've been suppressing the likely cost of
everything, including the war on terror." - Paul Krugman - Economist.
2004-02-20 02:53:40 UTC
Hi I am Greg B Farr of:
15652 NE Glisan St
Portland, OR 97230-4842

And I like to pimp my son out to street people for spare change! And as for
the USA it can go fuck it's self!

Gallery http://www.picturetrail.com/fugitive1
2004-02-20 02:53:51 UTC
Hi I am Greg B Farr of:
15652 NE Glisan St
Portland, OR 97230-4842

And I like to pimp my son out to street people for spare change! And as for
the USA it can go fuck it's self!

Gallery http://www.picturetrail.com/fugitive1
