Anyone Have A Heart?
(too old to reply)
2004-06-22 17:57:21 UTC
At the risk of sounding like a mooch I am posting this. My family is
in need of a car or some assistance. My son needs to go to school in
august. He is a little behind and he is in the Head Start program. But
we live so far out that he is not able to ride the bus. We have no
money to move closer to the school and no money to get a vehicle. So
if there is anyone out there that knows what its like to be in a bind
but are now financially set in life then could you please try to find
it in your heart to help a family out. We work we just canat seem to
get any where just further behind. Thank you for at least caring
enough to read this and consider.
2004-06-30 18:05:58 UTC
Post by Kristina
At the risk of sounding like a mooch I am posting this. My family is
in need of a car or some assistance. My son needs to go to school in
august. He is a little behind and he is in the Head Start program. But
we live so far out that he is not able to ride the bus. We have no
money to move closer to the school and no money to get a vehicle. So
if there is anyone out there that knows what its like to be in a bind
but are now financially set in life then could you please try to find
it in your heart to help a family out. We work we just canat seem to
get any where just further behind. Thank you for at least caring
enough to read this and consider.
But of course you can afford a computer and internet?
