why USA sucks
(too old to reply)
2003-09-21 22:23:10 UTC
not in order of significance.

1. its government is a tool of big business
2. big business is steering the society the wrong way
3. people are exploited and are tools of big business
4. the people don't know they are being used as tool, but many even enjoy
it and strive to be the best tool possible. (because of biased
media and politician's lies)
5. the people still think USA is utopia (because of biased media and
politician's lies)
6. there is so much wealth in this nation which does not account for
ordinary standard of living here.
7. the Bush administration is cutting overtime pay, allowing more
pollution, and giving corporations more power
8. the government essentially does nothing but goes back and forth from
people's interests to corporate
9. the people here are so much in disagreement with each other in so many
aspects, racially, politically,
religion, that nobody sees the real problems.
10. many people just don't care about politics anymore and have turned to
the culture of empty entertainment. Celebrity obsession, sports
2003-09-22 00:37:57 UTC
Post by big_in_japan
not in order of significance.
1. its government is a tool of big business
2. big business is steering the society the wrong way
3. people are exploited and are tools of big business
4. the people don't know they are being used as tool, but many even enjoy
it and strive to be the best tool possible. (because of biased
media and politician's lies)
5. the people still think USA is utopia (because of biased media and
politician's lies)
6. there is so much wealth in this nation which does not account for
ordinary standard of living here.
7. the Bush administration is cutting overtime pay, allowing more
pollution, and giving corporations more power
8. the government essentially does nothing but goes back and forth from
people's interests to corporate
9. the people here are so much in disagreement with each other in so many
aspects, racially, politically,
religion, that nobody sees the real problems.
10. many people just don't care about politics anymore and have turned to
the culture of empty entertainment. Celebrity obsession, sports
Here are 101 good reasons to hate USA and yanks!

'America' is equal to USA! Yeah, sure!
Anti-crypt campaign
"Bigger is better" hystery
Comics Code
Communist persecutions
Constant trivial laughter and "wow", "yeah", "yipe" etc.
Destruction of the native american culture
Disney, disneylands, sissy disney tv shows and movies etc.
Dollars and "you can have and do anything if you have money"
50% of yanks believe that 20% of their budget goes to developing countries!
(Actually, this is true, only it's more than 20% - soldiers, depleted
uranium bullets, missiles, bombs, CIA operations, propaganda, training of
future terrorists, etc...)
Fundamentalist christians and other religious crackpots
Hollywood movies
Hypocrites: they go to church because everyone else does, they don't really
know anything about their stupid religion...
Hysteric attitude
Internet censorship
Marvel comics
McDonalds and other shit food chains
National anthem, it's so stupid! Even russians have a much better one!
Nirvana (that lousy band)
Nuclear weapons
O.J.Simpson "trial"
PC, bill gates and micro$oft
Political system with two parties; just like in the ex-Soviet Union, only
Pollution of air, water, earth and everything
Power rangers
Ragdoll and persian cats, they are sick perversions of nature, spoiled by
Rodeo - torturing animals
Stupid AOL yank kids trashing the net
Swimming pools everywhere - horrible waste of water and energy
T$R, now known as Wizards of the Cost
The amount of garbage they create
Their "Music"
Their "culture"
Their "education"
Their average IQ approaches their shoe size (in US units).
Their fake Santa Claus and his "elves" (they should be gnomes, not elves,
and they do not wear green clothes, and none of them lives at the North
Their gun policy, and NRA
Their prisons and "law" system
Their racism
Their stupid sex scandals which somehow lead to bombing poor countries'
hospitals etc.
Their stupid sex scandals, as if anyone was interested with how many blow
jobs their president gets.
They always grin and show all their plastic teeth out!
They stick their noses in other people's business - but only if there is
something to gain, like oil! World police, yeah sure! What about East Timor?
They think their country is the biggest (Russia is :)
They think their country is in the center of the world, while the truth is,
that Europe is in the center.
They use half of the world's energy!
"Throwaway-culture" - use something once and throw it away (like their
brains? No, can't be - they never use their brains.)
US "Army"
US-ASCII instead of ISO
"USA is the only country in the world" -attitude
USA is the source of most satan worshipping in the world!!!!!!
Filthy stinking yanks never remove their shoes indoors.
They take a bath but they never wash themselves properly, they STINK.
George W. Bush.
Rejection of Kyoto agreement. Let's see what you do when New York goes
underwater, due melting polar ice.
Monitoring all tele- and datacommunications. (Fortunately, here in Europe,
we have better encryption system than yanks.)
Medieval measuring units such as inches and yards. Hey, it's the 21st
century now! Ever heard of science and scientific standards?
Starship Troopers movie, the repulsive macho military US Army commercial

2003-09-23 04:15:46 UTC
And then you have this pimpled bitch kid from the middle of nowhere.
So insecure in his little village that he never left, that he has to have a
handle fortifying his obsession that '***@re. superior'. Oh, and his
other obsession with the Jews really makes this guy someone you'd want to spend
some time with.
Unfortunately, Europe's loaded with young imbeciles like this one. Brainwashed
Nazi-Wannabes. Retail opinion. No style.

With a list even dumber than the gook before him, I can't help feeling sorry
for a youth culture that's evidently even dumber than that of the Yanks, which
is pretty dumb on the scale of dumb.
2003-10-26 14:12:24 UTC
%61 of Satan worship is in Canada. As for the rest, crap as well.
Post by Webzpider
Post by big_in_japan
not in order of significance.
1. its government is a tool of big business
2. big business is steering the society the wrong way
3. people are exploited and are tools of big business
4. the people don't know they are being used as tool, but many even enjoy
it and strive to be the best tool possible. (because of biased
media and politician's lies)
5. the people still think USA is utopia (because of biased media and
politician's lies)
6. there is so much wealth in this nation which does not account for
ordinary standard of living here.
7. the Bush administration is cutting overtime pay, allowing more
pollution, and giving corporations more power
8. the government essentially does nothing but goes back and forth from
people's interests to corporate
9. the people here are so much in disagreement with each other in so many
aspects, racially, politically,
religion, that nobody sees the real problems.
10. many people just don't care about politics anymore and have turned to
the culture of empty entertainment. Celebrity obsession, sports
Here are 101 good reasons to hate USA and yanks!
'America' is equal to USA! Yeah, sure!
Anti-crypt campaign
"Bigger is better" hystery
Comics Code
Communist persecutions
Constant trivial laughter and "wow", "yeah", "yipe" etc.
Destruction of the native american culture
Disney, disneylands, sissy disney tv shows and movies etc.
Dollars and "you can have and do anything if you have money"
50% of yanks believe that 20% of their budget goes to developing countries!
(Actually, this is true, only it's more than 20% - soldiers, depleted
uranium bullets, missiles, bombs, CIA operations, propaganda, training of
future terrorists, etc...)
Fundamentalist christians and other religious crackpots
Hollywood movies
Hypocrites: they go to church because everyone else does, they don't really
know anything about their stupid religion...
Hysteric attitude
Internet censorship
Marvel comics
McDonalds and other shit food chains
National anthem, it's so stupid! Even russians have a much better one!
Nirvana (that lousy band)
Nuclear weapons
O.J.Simpson "trial"
PC, bill gates and micro$oft
Political system with two parties; just like in the ex-Soviet Union, only
Pollution of air, water, earth and everything
Power rangers
Ragdoll and persian cats, they are sick perversions of nature, spoiled by
Rodeo - torturing animals
Stupid AOL yank kids trashing the net
Swimming pools everywhere - horrible waste of water and energy
T$R, now known as Wizards of the Cost
The amount of garbage they create
Their "Music"
Their "culture"
Their "education"
Their average IQ approaches their shoe size (in US units).
Their fake Santa Claus and his "elves" (they should be gnomes, not elves,
and they do not wear green clothes, and none of them lives at the North
Their gun policy, and NRA
Their prisons and "law" system
Their racism
Their stupid sex scandals which somehow lead to bombing poor countries'
hospitals etc.
Their stupid sex scandals, as if anyone was interested with how many blow
jobs their president gets.
They always grin and show all their plastic teeth out!
They stick their noses in other people's business - but only if there is
something to gain, like oil! World police, yeah sure! What about East Timor?
They think their country is the biggest (Russia is :)
They think their country is in the center of the world, while the truth is,
that Europe is in the center.
They use half of the world's energy!
"Throwaway-culture" - use something once and throw it away (like their
brains? No, can't be - they never use their brains.)
US "Army"
US-ASCII instead of ISO
"USA is the only country in the world" -attitude
USA is the source of most satan worshipping in the world!!!!!!
Filthy stinking yanks never remove their shoes indoors.
They take a bath but they never wash themselves properly, they STINK.
George W. Bush.
Rejection of Kyoto agreement. Let's see what you do when New York goes
underwater, due melting polar ice.
Monitoring all tele- and datacommunications. (Fortunately, here in Europe,
we have better encryption system than yanks.)
Medieval measuring units such as inches and yards. Hey, it's the 21st
century now! Ever heard of science and scientific standards?
Starship Troopers movie, the repulsive macho military US Army commercial
2003-09-23 03:43:46 UTC
Are you really that fucking stupid? I have a new handle for you, 'dumb_in_usa'.
2003-09-23 17:10:48 UTC
............ dumb........... gook ..............
...................makes me so angry........... USA rules
2003-09-24 03:58:19 UTC
............ dumb........... gook ..............
...................makes me so angry........... USA rules
Look, I'm all for artistic license in newsgroups, but I have no idea what this
montage adds up to.
2003-09-24 06:33:10 UTC
............ dumb........... gook ..............
...................makes me so angry........... USA rules
?????????????? I have no idea ????????? what this ?????????
2003-10-26 14:16:56 UTC
I give you an 8.3 on the retard meter.
............ dumb........... gook ..............
...................makes me so angry........... USA rules
?????????????? I have no idea ????????? what this ?????????
2003-10-07 17:53:00 UTC
Post by big_in_japan
not in order of significance.
1. its government is a tool of big business
2. big business is steering the society the wrong way
3. people are exploited and are tools of big business
4. the people don't know they are being used as tool, but many even enjoy
it and strive to be the best tool possible. (because of biased
media and politician's lies)
5. the people still think USA is utopia (because of biased media and
politician's lies)
6. there is so much wealth in this nation which does not account for
ordinary standard of living here.
7. the Bush administration is cutting overtime pay, allowing more
pollution, and giving corporations more power
8. the government essentially does nothing but goes back and forth from
people's interests to corporate
9. the people here are so much in disagreement with each other in so many
aspects, racially, politically,
religion, that nobody sees the real problems.
10. many people just don't care about politics anymore and have turned to
the culture of empty entertainment. Celebrity obsession, sports
Better yet, here are 100 (LEGITIMATE) reasons why foreigners suck:

1. They smell.
2. They don't bathe.
3. They don't use deodorant.
4. They have pit stains on all their clothes.
5. They have gay accents when they try to speak English.
6. They have delusions that their accents make them "sexy".
7. They have B.O.
8. They think B.O. smells good.
9. Hairy pits.
10. Their music sucks.
11. They eat cow balls, snails, and rats and consider it a "delicacy".
12. They're xenophobes.
13. They hate America just because we're more successful than they
14. They hate America just because it's the "in thing" to do.
15. They get 1.2 channels on TV (all staticy).
16. They're wusses.
17. They whine.
18. They can't get enough of our pop culture (even though they hate us
so much).
19. They're inbred since there's NO genetic diversity in their
21. Half of them are run by facist dictators.
22. The other half are run by communists.
23. "Holier-than-thou" attitudes.
24. They think they're SOOOOO much smarter than Americans.
25. They are too afraid to stand up for what's right (fighting
terrorism, ousting Saddam Hussein, etc)
26. They're snotty and arrogant.
27. They're all pervs.
28. Backwards.
29. Like 75% of all Americans have internet access...foreigners, about
2%, if that.
30. They complain about our medical system but all their leaders flock
here for emergency surgeries.
31. They complain that our education system sucks, but all their
leaders come to America to get their degrees.
32. They're hypocrites with their love-hate relationship for us.
33. They're happy about 9/11.
34. They mock and ridicule George Bush, Bill Clinton and all our other
leaders for their mistakes, but their leaders are all sucky little
pointless nobodies that no one would care about if they dropped dead
35. America is the reason why any other country on earth is successful
or prosperous or is moving ahead, and they won't admit it.
36. They live here and even become citizens but still talk about going
back to "their country" whenever they return to their original
37. They encourage their 100% AMERICAN, American-born kids to ALSO
refer to their original country as "my country".
38. They can't get enough of our movies and entertainment.
39. They gossip about OUR celebrities and OUR leaders because theirs
are all too boring.
40. WTF don't they know how to build a shower correctly?
41. Their cities are overcrowded, overpolluted, and disgusting, but
they accuse US of ruining the environment.
42. They smoke.
43. They're legally allowed to do drugs that are illegal here (and the
BENEFITS of this are....????).
44. All their drugs and cigarettes pollute the world even MORE.
45. They can't drive for shit.
46. They like to try to run people over with their cars (especially
47. They are jealous of our economy.
48. They claim our economy sucks, but if we ever enter another
depression, they're ALL coming with us and they know it.
49. They're all bisexual.
50. They have legalized prostitution.
51. After complaining about how much we suck, they all vacation here
whenever possible (IF they haven't already MOVED here).
52. They have grafitti everywhere.
53. They have no traffic laws.
54. They basically have NO LAWS, period.
55. They still use aerosol cans.
56. They still eat red meat on a regular basis.
57. They grant safe haven to American wanted criminals (including
58. They freak out everytime they have an earthquake.
59. They can't figure out how to grow enough food to support
60. Half of them are run by gangs, tribes, organized crime, druglords,
and/or pimps.
61. They ENCOURAGE all of the above in their countries.
62. Their hotels are disgusting.
63. Their hotel pools have things floating in them.
64. Their "drinking water" isn't safe to drink.
65. They think all Americans are stupid, but when they encounter a
smart one all their anti-American shit seems to disappear (because
they KNOW that the American would know that they have NO case).
66. They're ignorant and dumb, but tell themselves they're not just to
feel better.
67. They're tools.
68. They actually try to argue that their country is somehow better
than ours, which is like trying to argue that Camryn Manheim weighs
less than Calista Flockhart.
69. They want the U.N. to favor us less, but WHO is the one handing
out the money (not to mention the land) to the U.N.?
70. They all pretend that Palestine is a real country, just to avoid
Muslim terrorist bombings.
71. They pretend Israel's not, for the same reasons.
72. We have to donate money EVERY TIME they have a
storm/drought/thunderstorm/light drizzle, and we're encouraged to do
so every Halloween from like the age 3.
73. They're ungrateful for all our donated money.
74. None of THEM donated US money on 9/11.
75. They only called to offer condolences because they know Bush'd go
apeshit on their countries and puny leaders, if not (look at Saddam &
Mullah Omar).
76. They're scared of us.
77. They want our money.
78. They want our freedoms.
79. They're the terrorists' bitches.
80. They close down their banks to Americans on days their economy is
doing bad.
81. They lie to Americans.
82. They gyp us out of money by using FRAUDULENT conversion tactics.
83. They think we don't realize it, but really WE don't think that 3
cents is really that much money to argue over.
84. They shit in holes.
85. They don't mow their lawns and think we're vain because we do.
86. They celebrated on 9/11.
87. 9/11 was the happiest day of their lives.
88. They get porno channels with their standard basic TV lineup.
89. They think Saddam Hussein is a "nice man".
90. They're always quick to remind us of our past sins, but refuse to
acknowledge or even admit their own.
91. They don't know how to build spacecraft.
92. They support terrorism.
93. LOW literacy rates.
94. Women are treated as sub-standard to men.
95. Anyone from outside the country is shunned upon moving into the
96. Their languages are SO pointless and unnecessary for people to
know in year 2002.
97. They're all either fanatical, terroristic, racist, anti-U.S.,
conservative warmongers or fanatical, racist, anti-U.S. liberals who
think "we can all just get along" without confrontation.
98. They're all living in a fantasy world.
99. They all wish they could live here but realize how much it sucks
that they can't.
100. They don't know how to count to 100 (we do).
2003-10-26 14:20:17 UTC
101 They will sniff shit to get high.
Post by DE781
Post by big_in_japan
not in order of significance.
1. its government is a tool of big business
2. big business is steering the society the wrong way
3. people are exploited and are tools of big business
4. the people don't know they are being used as tool, but many even enjoy
it and strive to be the best tool possible. (because of biased
media and politician's lies)
5. the people still think USA is utopia (because of biased media and
politician's lies)
6. there is so much wealth in this nation which does not account for
ordinary standard of living here.
7. the Bush administration is cutting overtime pay, allowing more
pollution, and giving corporations more power
8. the government essentially does nothing but goes back and forth from
people's interests to corporate
9. the people here are so much in disagreement with each other in so many
aspects, racially, politically,
religion, that nobody sees the real problems.
10. many people just don't care about politics anymore and have turned to
the culture of empty entertainment. Celebrity obsession, sports
1. They smell.
2. They don't bathe.
3. They don't use deodorant.
4. They have pit stains on all their clothes.
5. They have gay accents when they try to speak English.
6. They have delusions that their accents make them "sexy".
7. They have B.O.
8. They think B.O. smells good.
9. Hairy pits.
10. Their music sucks.
11. They eat cow balls, snails, and rats and consider it a "delicacy".
12. They're xenophobes.
13. They hate America just because we're more successful than they
14. They hate America just because it's the "in thing" to do.
15. They get 1.2 channels on TV (all staticy).
16. They're wusses.
17. They whine.
18. They can't get enough of our pop culture (even though they hate us
so much).
19. They're inbred since there's NO genetic diversity in their
21. Half of them are run by facist dictators.
22. The other half are run by communists.
23. "Holier-than-thou" attitudes.
24. They think they're SOOOOO much smarter than Americans.
25. They are too afraid to stand up for what's right (fighting
terrorism, ousting Saddam Hussein, etc)
26. They're snotty and arrogant.
27. They're all pervs.
28. Backwards.
29. Like 75% of all Americans have internet access...foreigners, about
2%, if that.
30. They complain about our medical system but all their leaders flock
here for emergency surgeries.
31. They complain that our education system sucks, but all their
leaders come to America to get their degrees.
32. They're hypocrites with their love-hate relationship for us.
33. They're happy about 9/11.
34. They mock and ridicule George Bush, Bill Clinton and all our other
leaders for their mistakes, but their leaders are all sucky little
pointless nobodies that no one would care about if they dropped dead
35. America is the reason why any other country on earth is successful
or prosperous or is moving ahead, and they won't admit it.
36. They live here and even become citizens but still talk about going
back to "their country" whenever they return to their original
37. They encourage their 100% AMERICAN, American-born kids to ALSO
refer to their original country as "my country".
38. They can't get enough of our movies and entertainment.
39. They gossip about OUR celebrities and OUR leaders because theirs
are all too boring.
40. WTF don't they know how to build a shower correctly?
41. Their cities are overcrowded, overpolluted, and disgusting, but
they accuse US of ruining the environment.
42. They smoke.
43. They're legally allowed to do drugs that are illegal here (and the
BENEFITS of this are....????).
44. All their drugs and cigarettes pollute the world even MORE.
45. They can't drive for shit.
46. They like to try to run people over with their cars (especially
47. They are jealous of our economy.
48. They claim our economy sucks, but if we ever enter another
depression, they're ALL coming with us and they know it.
49. They're all bisexual.
50. They have legalized prostitution.
51. After complaining about how much we suck, they all vacation here
whenever possible (IF they haven't already MOVED here).
52. They have grafitti everywhere.
53. They have no traffic laws.
54. They basically have NO LAWS, period.
55. They still use aerosol cans.
56. They still eat red meat on a regular basis.
57. They grant safe haven to American wanted criminals (including
58. They freak out everytime they have an earthquake.
59. They can't figure out how to grow enough food to support
60. Half of them are run by gangs, tribes, organized crime, druglords,
and/or pimps.
61. They ENCOURAGE all of the above in their countries.
62. Their hotels are disgusting.
63. Their hotel pools have things floating in them.
64. Their "drinking water" isn't safe to drink.
65. They think all Americans are stupid, but when they encounter a
smart one all their anti-American shit seems to disappear (because
they KNOW that the American would know that they have NO case).
66. They're ignorant and dumb, but tell themselves they're not just to
feel better.
67. They're tools.
68. They actually try to argue that their country is somehow better
than ours, which is like trying to argue that Camryn Manheim weighs
less than Calista Flockhart.
69. They want the U.N. to favor us less, but WHO is the one handing
out the money (not to mention the land) to the U.N.?
70. They all pretend that Palestine is a real country, just to avoid
Muslim terrorist bombings.
71. They pretend Israel's not, for the same reasons.
72. We have to donate money EVERY TIME they have a
storm/drought/thunderstorm/light drizzle, and we're encouraged to do
so every Halloween from like the age 3.
73. They're ungrateful for all our donated money.
74. None of THEM donated US money on 9/11.
75. They only called to offer condolences because they know Bush'd go
apeshit on their countries and puny leaders, if not (look at Saddam &
Mullah Omar).
76. They're scared of us.
77. They want our money.
78. They want our freedoms.
79. They're the terrorists' bitches.
80. They close down their banks to Americans on days their economy is
doing bad.
81. They lie to Americans.
82. They gyp us out of money by using FRAUDULENT conversion tactics.
83. They think we don't realize it, but really WE don't think that 3
cents is really that much money to argue over.
84. They shit in holes.
85. They don't mow their lawns and think we're vain because we do.
86. They celebrated on 9/11.
87. 9/11 was the happiest day of their lives.
88. They get porno channels with their standard basic TV lineup.
89. They think Saddam Hussein is a "nice man".
90. They're always quick to remind us of our past sins, but refuse to
acknowledge or even admit their own.
91. They don't know how to build spacecraft.
92. They support terrorism.
93. LOW literacy rates.
94. Women are treated as sub-standard to men.
95. Anyone from outside the country is shunned upon moving into the
96. Their languages are SO pointless and unnecessary for people to
know in year 2002.
97. They're all either fanatical, terroristic, racist, anti-U.S.,
conservative warmongers or fanatical, racist, anti-U.S. liberals who
think "we can all just get along" without confrontation.
98. They're all living in a fantasy world.
99. They all wish they could live here but realize how much it sucks
that they can't.
100. They don't know how to count to 100 (we do).