(too old to reply)
Axis of Oil - Afghanistan Iraq Iran Syria Saudi ...
2003-11-14 10:09:33 UTC

Support the troops. Help to bring them home.

They do not want to be in Iraq or Afghanistan. They certainly don't
want to go to die in Syria or Iran. They want to be at home, safe,
with their families, where they belong.

They know that most of the world opposes their presence in Iraq. They
are doing their duty in the most difficult of circumstances.

There was no legal or moral justification for attacking and occupying
Iraq. The propaganda used to raise false support for the aggression
was a flimsy patchwork of lies and distortions. Attacking Iraq and
Afghanistan has made them both much, much worse places to live.

Too many have died on both sides, for lies and for oil and for Israel.

Too many have died from the hatred that all stems from the illegal
occupation of Palestine and US imperialism. That hatred gave birth to
the desperation of the terrorist. The desperate and deplorable acts of
the terrorist have been used as an excuse to attack oilcountries that
oppose Israel.

It is easy for armchair warmongers to shout their support for the
criminal bloodshed without any understanding of the suffering of the
victims and their families on both sides.

They think their blind ignorance makes them patriots.

Cheering as your countrymen are sent to die is not patriotism.

Like parrots these brainwashed fools repeat the nonsensical
propaganda-soundbytes of oilfunded puppets like Bush. They use the
same ridiculous, dramatic, simplistic, childish and misleading phrases
like "War on Terror". And Axis of Evil".

War on terror? The so-called "War on Terror" has elevated the threat
of terrorism to unprecedented levels. There are more terrorists than
ever before. They are now more furious, better funded, better peopled
and more determined than ever before.

Axis of Evil? The threat from the "Axis of Evil" was created almost
exclusively by the US government. The US government has funded and
armed Afghanistan terrorists. They have armed and funded Iraq; Iran;
Syria; and many others.

The United States government STILL helps to fund and arm Saudi Arabia
- the so-called "Kernel of Evil" - according to the US government.
Saudi is the homeland of Osama bin Laden. Most September-11 terrorists
were Saudi. Saudi is the spiritual heart of Al Qaida.

Yet Afghanistan was attacked for the Centgas Caspian Sea oil pipeline.
Then Iraq, with no links to terrorism whatsoever, was attacked for
their oil. Now terrorists are flooding into Iraq, eager to kill
Americans. Still more terrorism, thanks to the "war on terror."

They lied to us about September 11. They lied to us about the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq. They will lie to us about attacking Syria and
Iran and others.

Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have died as a result of
attacking Afghanistan and Iraq (together with a decade of sanctions
and bombing of Iraqi civilians). Little wonder that Iraqis do not want
to be "freed" by the United States military. They do not want to live
under an illegal foreign occupation. They do not want the US
oilgovernment to monopolize their oil.

It's not just foreign innocent people that are dying. (They do not
count in politics or the media because their deaths cannot be used for
propaganda... 3000 on September 11: Tens of thousands in Afghanistan.)

Our troops are dying. Our civilians have died and will continue to die
in terrorist attacks born of US & Israeli aggression.

The United States government doesn't want to send any more Americans
to their deaths because it's bad for propaganda. Instead they want to
send more British, Italian and other men to fight America's wars for

If you want to be patriotic then don't stand for the lies and
corruption that have become institutionalized within the Western

Don't let the world's biggest criminals get away with it just because
their crimes are so immense or because they occupy prominent
positions. They are subject to law and justice and humanity like
everybody else.

If you want to support the troops then help to bring them safely home
to their families, where they belong.

Don't stand by while more people die for a lie.
2004-01-22 01:08:58 UTC
"Axis of Oil - Afghanistan Iraq Iran Syria Saudi ..."
Post by Axis of Oil - Afghanistan Iraq Iran Syria Saudi ...
Support the troops. Help to bring them home.
They do not want to be in Iraq or Afghanistan. They certainly don't
want to go to die in Syria or Iran. They want to be at home, safe,
with their families, where they belong.
They know that most of the world opposes their presence in Iraq. They
are doing their duty in the most difficult of circumstances.
There was no legal or moral justification for attacking and occupying
Iraq. The propaganda used to raise false support for the aggression
was a flimsy patchwork of lies and distortions. Attacking Iraq and
Afghanistan has made them both much, much worse places to live.
Too many have died on both sides, for lies and for oil and for Israel.
Too many have died from the hatred that all stems from the illegal
occupation of Palestine and US imperialism. That hatred gave birth to
the desperation of the terrorist. The desperate and deplorable acts of
the terrorist have been used as an excuse to attack oilcountries that
oppose Israel.
It is easy for armchair warmongers to shout their support for the
criminal bloodshed without any understanding of the suffering of the
victims and their families on both sides.
They think their blind ignorance makes them patriots.
Cheering as your countrymen are sent to die is not patriotism.
Like parrots these brainwashed fools repeat the nonsensical
propaganda-soundbytes of oilfunded puppets like Bush. They use the
same ridiculous, dramatic, simplistic, childish and misleading phrases
like "War on Terror". And Axis of Evil".
War on terror? The so-called "War on Terror" has elevated the threat
of terrorism to unprecedented levels. There are more terrorists than
ever before. They are now more furious, better funded, better peopled
and more determined than ever before.
Axis of Evil? The threat from the "Axis of Evil" was created almost
exclusively by the US government. The US government has funded and
armed Afghanistan terrorists. They have armed and funded Iraq; Iran;
Syria; and many others.
The United States government STILL helps to fund and arm Saudi Arabia
- the so-called "Kernel of Evil" - according to the US government.
Saudi is the homeland of Osama bin Laden. Most September-11 terrorists
were Saudi. Saudi is the spiritual heart of Al Qaida.
Yet Afghanistan was attacked for the Centgas Caspian Sea oil pipeline.
Then Iraq, with no links to terrorism whatsoever, was attacked for
their oil. Now terrorists are flooding into Iraq, eager to kill
Americans. Still more terrorism, thanks to the "war on terror."
They lied to us about September 11. They lied to us about the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq. They will lie to us about attacking Syria and
Iran and others.
Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have died as a result of
attacking Afghanistan and Iraq (together with a decade of sanctions
and bombing of Iraqi civilians). Little wonder that Iraqis do not want
to be "freed" by the United States military. They do not want to live
under an illegal foreign occupation. They do not want the US
oilgovernment to monopolize their oil.
It's not just foreign innocent people that are dying. (They do not
count in politics or the media because their deaths cannot be used for
propaganda... 3000 on September 11: Tens of thousands in Afghanistan.)
Our troops are dying. Our civilians have died and will continue to die
in terrorist attacks born of US & Israeli aggression.
The United States government doesn't want to send any more Americans
to their deaths because it's bad for propaganda. Instead they want to
send more British, Italian and other men to fight America's wars for
If you want to be patriotic then don't stand for the lies and
corruption that have become institutionalized within the Western
Don't let the world's biggest criminals get away with it just because
their crimes are so immense or because they occupy prominent
positions. They are subject to law and justice and humanity like
everybody else.
If you want to support the troops then help to bring them safely home
to their families, where they belong.
Don't stand by while more people die for a lie.
It was their choice to join they followed their leaders orders let them die
for the crime they have committed it's their decision.
2004-02-20 02:52:16 UTC
Hi I am Greg B Farr of:
15652 NE Glisan St
Portland, OR 97230-4842

And I like to pimp my son out to street people for spare change! And as for
the USA it can go fuck it's self!

Gallery http://www.picturetrail.com/fugitive1
