Good night America! Live with your greed!
(too old to reply)
8th. Army Aircorps
2003-09-10 15:05:34 UTC
America is not even a nice place to visit --
who would want to live there? No road repairs,
no health care to speak of, lot's of homeless
veterans, guns stuck into every face, lot's o' drugs
(provided by CIA black op's), no social housing,
Stupidity abounds, teacher's that don't know or are not
allowed to teach what the world rulers need to know
in their future world domination, and a theocracy in the making!
Good night America! Live with your greed!
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James Beck
2003-09-10 15:32:34 UTC
Obvious troll rant aside....
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
America is not even a nice place to visit --
How do you know? Ever been here?
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
who would want to live there?
Me and several million others.
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
No road repairs,
Really? I have great roads here AND once again
how would you know?
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
no health care to speak of
I have all the health care I need.
Why is it most US states have better and MORE medical equipment than
most other countries?
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
lot's of homeless veterans
No homeless around here. Then again we work around here.
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
guns stuck into every face
That's just out right a lie.
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
lot's o' drugs
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
no social housing,
Shit loads of it. Too bad most of the assholes living in it
tear it to pieces as fast as it is built.
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Stupidity abounds
Yeah, I see how well the rest of the world handles itself, and
how much technical innovation comes from there.
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
teacher's that don't know or are not
allowed to teach what the world rulers need to know
in their future world domination, and a theocracy in the making!
Well, at least you know who is in charge.
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Good night America! Live with your greed!
I have worked for all I have, that is not greed it is just a fact.
Sorry you live in a shit hole of your own making.

Bradly Wiebe
2003-09-16 05:51:37 UTC
Post by James Beck
Obvious troll rant aside....
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
America is not even a nice place to visit --
How do you know? Ever been here?
I have, and I must say that the US has many wonderfull things about it,
both natural and man made.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
who would want to live there?
Me and several million others.
you mean several hundred million, right? That being said, I would still
rather live in my country. No disrespect intended.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
No road repairs,
Really? I have great roads here AND once again
how would you know?
I have travelled to many US states. What I understand is that the
individual states are responsible for roads. Some states have roads
that are in considerable disrepair, while others have roads that are
smooth as silk.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
no health care to speak of
I have all the health care I need.
Why is it most US states have better and MORE medical equipment than
most other countries?
I believe he was talking about socialized health care, of which the US
does have both a private and a socialized based system. Is it not
called Medicaid? Anyways, the social system used in the US is
considerably less funded and smaller than other nations that use such a
system, I do believe that most americans prefer it that way.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
lot's of homeless veterans
No homeless around here. Then again we work around here.
There are homeless in every country, and in many more populous areas of
the US the homeless rate is astounding. You are either ignoring that
fact or outright lying.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
guns stuck into every face
That's just out right a lie.
Many americans keep firearms as a means of personal protection at their
homes, gauranteed by their constitution. This does not mean that they
run around the streets with guns strapped to their hips or blindly
waving them around like a haphazard cowboy.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
lot's o' drugs
Again, drugs are a problem in most, if not all, industrialized nations.
Many nations have decided to legalize some drugs rather than combat
them. No sane person would be jealous of the fact that there is a drug
problem in any nation.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
no social housing,
Shit loads of it. Too bad most of the assholes living in it
tear it to pieces as fast as it is built.
The person who works for his possesions will always take better care of
them than the person who has them given to him. In many low cost
housing situations in the US, the people living in them cannot afford to
keep them up, or lack the respect or desire to do so.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Stupidity abounds
Yeah, I see how well the rest of the world handles itself, and
how much technical innovation comes from there.
There are stupid people everywhere. Likewise, there are intelligent
people everywhere. The US provides the world with much of the
technology and innovations it uses, but you cannot ignore the fact that
much of the technology the US utilizes is also imported.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
teacher's that don't know or are not
allowed to teach what the world rulers need to know
in their future world domination, and a theocracy in the making!
Well, at least you know who is in charge.
Teachers in the US are doing there best. Eventually the responsibility
for a students education must be placed on the student, and many
american students accept that responsibility. A student that refuses to
learn cannot be taught. Have you ever tried to teach a rock to fish?
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Good night America! Live with your greed!
I have worked for all I have, that is not greed it is just a fact.
Sorry you live in a shit hole of your own making.
The same argument you used on him can be used on you. Have you ever
been there? Most people have worked hard for what they have, and will
vigorously defend it, as you did in your reply.
Post by James Beck
2003-09-23 13:58:46 UTC
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Obvious troll rant aside....
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
America is not even a nice place to visit --
How do you know? Ever been here?
I have, and I must say that the US has many wonderfull things about it,
both natural and man made.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
who would want to live there?
Me and several million others.
Who want to make mediocre money and live with the blasted urban sprawl
resulting from it.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
you mean several hundred million, right? That being said, I would still
rather live in my country. No disrespect intended.
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
No road repairs,
Really? I have great roads here AND once again
how would you know?
Depends on how much money comes into your state-depending on the number of
and income level of taxpayers. Poor areas have bad roads, worse schools,
drugs, crime, and poverty, and if there are no local taxes, only nonprofit
charity or affirmative action can make a difference. Thank the rich for the
leavings from their plates and the offal from their tables.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
no health care to speak of
I have all the health care I need.
Why is it most US states have better and MORE medical equipment than
most other countries?
I believe he was talking about socialized health care, of which the US
does have both a private and a socialized based system. Is it not
called Medicaid?
For spacas, psychos, and those over 65. And then, it's horrid.

Anyways, the social system used in the US is
Post by Bradly Wiebe
considerably less funded and smaller than other nations that use such a
system, I do believe that most americans prefer it that way.
I didn't when I was making $5.50 an hour and trying to live on it from an
employer who didn't have a medical plan for employees. Try paying a medical
bill on that when there's a traumatic injury, god forbid. Americans who
prefer it that way are the ones who think we'll be a dictatorship of godless
commies if it changes. Not whether or not poor people get healthcare. That
is a much lesser priority than keeping me from being a commie.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
lot's of homeless veterans
No homeless around here. Then again we work around here.
Shut UP. Oh, shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up. Work exists where there
is healthy invested commerce, and work with benefits exists where there is
good education. And stability exists where there is healing and love.
Where there are severe limitations to that due to the pressures of mere
survival, you are the least qualified to make such a WHITE assertation.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
There are homeless in every country, and in many more populous areas of
the US the homeless rate is astounding. You are either ignoring that
fact or outright lying.
No, he lives in a gated community. No ni&&3rs allowed.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
guns stuck into every face
That's just out right a lie.
Many americans keep firearms as a means of personal protection at their
homes, gauranteed by their constitution. This does not mean that they
run around the streets with guns strapped to their hips or blindly
waving them around like a haphazard cowboy.
Feeling the need to have, specifically, ANTI-HUMAN WEAPONS like handguns is
completely unnecessary in a civilized world unless you are at war. Rifles
are tools for hunting and killing food and are fine for farms and rural
life, but handguns are an abomination. And in the hands of low income
uneducated bitter people, handguns give a sense of power in the midst of
powerlessness, so they're waving them all over the place. I've had the
misfortune to live among demographics that consider it a necessity and love
their handguns like an extension of something else. Yes, in many parts of
the States, guns ARE stuck in your face, as punctuation to making a
point...and people just go about their business like the gun is a sort of
manual extension of power, like an Italian talking with his hands. It makes
me feel sick just to be around them. They're numb to the potential action
that waving a handgun suggests, because life is cheap.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
lot's o' drugs
Again, drugs are a problem in most, if not all, industrialized nations.
Many nations have decided to legalize some drugs rather than combat
them. No sane person would be jealous of the fact that there is a drug
problem in any nation.
Heroin in the UK comes to mind. I have to say there are far fewer drug
addicts in the States per capita than in Ireland or the UK due to the fact
that there are no social services that can hold them up on the dole. You
can see a drug addict a mile away, they're always on the way down. But
there's a lot more pot and hash and other far healthier and less life-toxic
intoxicants of the green variety, than anywhere except for perhaps
Amsterdam. And coke, which becomes crack, which again turns into a
pathetic-homeless-loser-drug, again singling out the potential Darwin Award
winners very quickly.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
no social housing,
Shit loads of it. Too bad most of the assholes living in it
tear it to pieces as fast as it is built.
The person who works for his possesions will always take better care of
them than the person who has them given to him. In many low cost
housing situations in the US, the people living in them cannot afford to
keep them up, or lack the respect or desire to do so.
Supplemented section-8 housing works better than projects, always did, and
spreads out the hopeless nice and thin so they try to keep up with the
Joneses instead of jump into the downward spiral.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Stupidity abounds
Yeah, I see how well the rest of the world handles itself, and
how much technical innovation comes from there.
There are stupid people everywhere. Likewise, there are intelligent
people everywhere. The US provides the world with much of the
technology and innovations it uses, but you cannot ignore the fact that
much of the technology the US utilizes is also imported.
And keeps getting more and more convenient...until most of us are numbed
down and dumbed down into middle management instead of innovative
science-educated thinking.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
teacher's that don't know or are not
allowed to teach what the world rulers need to know
in their future world domination, and a theocracy in the making!
Well, at least you know who is in charge.
Teachers in the US are doing there best. Eventually the responsibility
for a students education must be placed on the student, and many
american students accept that responsibility. A student that refuses to
learn cannot be taught. Have you ever tried to teach a rock to fish?
Yes, but what they learn starts at home, and if it's new age gibberish or
Baptist hatemongering creationism, they may be good students but they will
pick and choose what they take in.
Post by Bradly Wiebe
Post by James Beck
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Good night America! Live with your greed!
I have worked for all I have, that is not greed it is just a fact.
Sorry you live in a shit hole of your own making.
The same argument you used on him can be used on you. Have you ever
been there? Most people have worked hard for what they have, and will
vigorously defend it, as you did in your reply.
I have. But all the things I had to work hard for, like healthcare and
personal safety, should have been rights that I had to begin with and not
paranoid sleepless worries in the night. And I resent having to work for
what are basic free rights, every step of the way. I shouldn't have to keep
a gun to keep the people with guns out, I shouldn't have to pay taxes to
corporate welfare and bombs when I don't have a basic no-frills free public
health plan that could be covered at a fraction of the cost of bombs, and
schools and roads should recieve equal funding with the quality deficit in
poorer areas covered by federal taxes as well- again, not paying for Enron
or bombs. And how about college? Why does that cost $40 grand and isn't
subsidized unless you're a genius or a minority?

I resent that I don't have that. Having that would have made living more
important than surviving. The survivalist viewpoint is what keeps Americans
in their squat little mental traps and their hamster-wheel jobs just to pay
interest on their debt, and makes them resent Europeans who live in
fruitopia in comparison. Hear an American complain about how the're $40,000
in debt for education alone, then how they have to pay $350 a month in
healthcare premiums, and hear how some kid got caught with a handgun at
their local school where family attends. When a European says "that doesn't
happen where I'm from", suddenly the American, in order to cope with
chartreuse envy, has to make himself win a guts-and-character competition in
his own mind for being a Yank, and suddenly everyone else is a commie fag.
America, rah rah rah, we have money and you don't, you can't handle the
truth, you don't have the guts to be one of US, blah, blah, blah.


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Version: 6.0.520 / Virus Database: 318 - Release Date: 18/09/03

2003-09-10 21:20:43 UTC
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
America is not even a nice place to visit --
who would want to live there? No road repairs,
No road repairs? So, now it's OK to LIE to make your own country look
better, I guess?
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
no health care to speak of,
It's good enough. Everyone SHOULD NOT be paying 75% income tax
either. As long as everyone has access to doctors and hospitals,
what's it matter? How would YOU do it?

lot's of homeless
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
WHAT the fuck are "homeless veterans"?

guns stuck into every face, lot's o' drugs
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
(provided by CIA black op's),
Problems we need to deal with. But how the hell is YOUR country?

no social housing,

More lies?
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Stupidity abounds,
At least this American here knows how to properly pluralize words.

teacher's that don't know or are not
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
allowed to teach what the world rulers need to know
in their future world domination, and a theocracy in the making!
In logical ENGLISH, o wise one?
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
Good night America! Live with your greed!
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.500 / Virus Database: 298 - Release Date: 7/10/2003
2003-09-14 04:51:30 UTC
Post by DE781
WHAT the fuck are "homeless veterans"?
Guys who've been homeless before?
2003-09-14 05:20:28 UTC
Like many of the morons who post here, I doubt the Kraut imbecile who wrote
this piece of shit ever traveled to the next town, let alone left his mama's
Picture the excitement this verzögerung experienced as he sat in front of his
monitor composing this potent message.
And why does he feel that way? He has no fucking idea, he's just another sheep
spitting out a type of retail opinion that morons the world over convince
themselves they're 'bright' with.
Radical thinkers who eat their mutter's nahrung, jack-off to Baywatch reruns
and post stupidity on the internet, how rare.
Post by 8th. Army Aircorps
America is not even a nice place to visit --
who would want to live there? No road repairs,
no health care to speak of, lot's of homeless
veterans, guns stuck into every face, lot's o' drugs
(provided by CIA black op's), no social housing,
Stupidity abounds, teacher's that don't know or are not
allowed to teach what the world rulers need to know
in their future world domination, and a theocracy in the making!
Good night America! Live with your greed!