American Airlines pilot goes fundamentally nuts - better off flying freight to northpole!
(too old to reply)
8th. Army Aircorps
2004-02-10 14:31:08 UTC
Pilot calls non-Christian passengers 'crazy'
From correspondents in New York

AN AMERICAN Airlines pilot is facing an internal investigation after
reportedly asking Christian passengers to identify themselves, and
suggesting that non-Christians on his flight were crazy.

Speaking today on CNN's American Morning, several passengers said
yesterday's flight from Los Angeles to New York had not yet taken off,
when the pilot chose to address everyone on board.

American Airlines has had its fair share of controversy in recent

"He said he'd recently been on a mission trip, and he'd like all the
Christians to please raise their hands," said passenger Jen Dorsey.

According to fellow passenger Karla Austin, "He said, 'If you are a
Christian, raise your hand.' He said, 'If you are not, you're crazy'".

Austin said no passengers raised their hands.

The pilot also asked passengers to look around at each other and use
their flying time wisely.

American Airlines said the pilot, whose name was not revealed, had
recently returned from a mission trip to Costa Rica.

The airline said his comments amounted to a "personal level of sharing
that may not be appropriate for one of our employees to do while on
the job".

Passengers said the remarks had made them deeply uneasy and that many
on board had reached for their mobile phones, fearing the pilot might
take some sort of drastic action.

"Just given the history of what's happened on planes in this country,
anything can happen at this point," Austin said.

"There was definitely implication there that we felt that something
was going to happen."

Complaints were relayed by flight attendants to the cockpit, and 45
minutes into the flight the pilot issued an apology, but one that was
directed at his crew for having had to deflect the passenger

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2004-02-20 02:53:28 UTC
Hi I am Greg B Farr of:
15652 NE Glisan St
Portland, OR 97230-4842

And I like to pimp my son out to street people for spare change! And as for
the USA it can go fuck it's self!

Gallery http://www.picturetrail.com/fugitive1
