America showing off its righteousness and moral fiber
(too old to reply)
Holliston Perni
2005-10-20 18:05:57 UTC
U.S. probes burning bodies report

Australia's SBS television network broadcast video footage that purportedly
showed U.S. soldiers burning the bodies of the suspected Taliban fighters in
the hills outside the southern village of Gonbaz, near the former Taliban
stronghold of Kandahar. In the footage, which was seen by the AP, two
soldiers who spoke with American accents later read taunting messages that
the SBS said were broadcast to the village, which was believed to be
harboring Taliban soldiers.

Once again, we see what America means when it talks about
"winning the hearts and minds" of the Muslim world, and the contempt with
which America views the Geneva convention. We also see the results of the
much-touted Christian upbringing we value so highly. Tell me, do you suppose
these are the children of college professors, or good conservative
fundamentalists Christians? "By their fruit shall you know them!"

Once again, we'll undoubtedly throw a few minor dirtbags to the
dogs for simply following the orders of the sinister war criminals WE have
allowed to continue running (and ruining) this country. Is it any wonder we
oppose the World Court? We have created an army of war criminals, directed
by enemies of humanity.



Posted via NewsDemon.com - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
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2005-10-20 19:19:37 UTC
Still sobbing hysterically because your heroes, the Taliban soldiers,
were hilariously defiled, eh? Continue wailing.
Post by Holliston Perni
U.S. probes burning bodies report
Australia's SBS television network broadcast video footage that purportedly
showed U.S. soldiers burning the bodies of the suspected Taliban fighters in
the hills outside the southern village of Gonbaz, near the former Taliban
stronghold of Kandahar. In the footage, which was seen by the AP, two
soldiers who spoke with American accents later read taunting messages that
the SBS said were broadcast to the village, which was believed to be
harboring Taliban soldiers.
Once again, we see what America means when it talks about
"winning the hearts and minds" of the Muslim world, and the contempt with
which America views the Geneva convention. We also see the results of the
much-touted Christian upbringing we value so highly. Tell me, do you suppose
these are the children of college professors, or good conservative
fundamentalists Christians? "By their fruit shall you know them!"
Once again, we'll undoubtedly throw a few minor dirtbags to the
dogs for simply following the orders of the sinister war criminals WE have
allowed to continue running (and ruining) this country. Is it any wonder we
oppose the World Court? We have created an army of war criminals, directed
by enemies of humanity.
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