My Silicon Titties
(too old to reply)
Peter Moylan
2004-07-15 04:09:58 UTC
Is 'silicon' now an accepted spelling of 'silicone'? Or is the
present spammer really called Sandy?
Peter Moylan peter at ee dot newcastle dot edu dot au
http://eepjm.newcastle.edu.au (OS/2 and eCS information and software)
George Hardy
2004-07-15 13:05:16 UTC
Post by Peter Moylan
Is 'silicon' now an accepted spelling of 'silicone'? Or is the
present spammer really called Sandy?
No. Silicon is an element. Silicone is a compound.

Lady Bego
2004-07-15 15:16:04 UTC
Post by George Hardy
No. Silicon is an element. Silicone is a compound.
She must be a California (Silicon Valley) girl! :-D
Lady Bego
George Hardy
2004-07-16 13:11:51 UTC
Post by Lady Bego
Post by George Hardy
No. Silicon is an element. Silicone is a compound.
She must be a California (Silicon Valley) girl! :-D
I like your bra size. I see why you advertise it.

Mike Lyle
2004-07-15 19:39:06 UTC
Post by George Hardy
Post by Peter Moylan
Is 'silicon' now an accepted spelling of 'silicone'? Or is the
present spammer really called Sandy?
No. Silicon is an element. Silicone is a compound.
(alt.usage.spanish? Bloody hell!)

I think you'll find, as infuriating people say, that Peter knew that
already. Or have you just slipped -- on some floor-polish -- in from
alt.something-or-other and missed several years of build-up?

If you're from alt.fan.treen you should already know about the dreaded
swirly silicon mass, into which the Mekon's upturned smoothing-iron
disappeared (complete, of course, with Mekon). That Charles Chilton
has a lot to answer for: you reckon Sondar an Uncle Tom, or a
Liberation Hero?

(I just can't resist leaving the follow-ups in: you get such a
fascinating class of nutter when you leave the protective bosom of

George Hardy
2004-07-16 13:15:29 UTC
Post by Mike Lyle
Post by George Hardy
No. Silicon is an element. Silicone is a compound.
I think you'll find, as infuriating people say, that Peter knew that
Perhaps. Or not. When I was at Clevite Transistor Products
they put out an advertising campaign "Sell Silicone in '60".
Of course they meant "silicon". If a semiconductor company
can make that error, so can Peter.

Mike Lyle
2004-07-17 12:54:04 UTC
Post by George Hardy
Post by Mike Lyle
Post by George Hardy
No. Silicon is an element. Silicone is a compound.
I think you'll find, as infuriating people say, that Peter knew that
Perhaps. Or not. When I was at Clevite Transistor Products
they put out an advertising campaign "Sell Silicone in '60".
Of course they meant "silicon". If a semiconductor company
can make that error, so can Peter.
You misjudge both the posting (which it seems you've snipped) and the
man very seriously, I assure you.

don groves
2004-08-22 22:49:23 UTC
Post by Peter Moylan
Is 'silicon' now an accepted spelling of 'silicone'? Or is the
present spammer really called Sandy?
A friend of mine makes this mistake, calling it "Silicone" Valley.
I remind her that it's Silicon Valley and that a silicone valley
brings to mind enormous cleavage, not a place south of San Francisco.
