You suck and must DIE!
(too old to reply)
2004-01-03 12:20:10 UTC
The USA has turned into the biggest pile of festering shit I have ever seen,
and I am sad to say I am one of you. There is nothing left in this once
great land but Niggers Jews and Fags. The people that took down the world
trade center should have killed more of us. I hope that some day soon they
use biological weapons on this shit hill and kill us all. We have become
nothing but the kind of crap that flies in the face of God.

Come all and cleans us from this earth!

* Logo Design *
Put some fun in your next logo!

Site at: http://www dot artistmike dot com
mike @ artistmike dot com
2004-01-09 23:54:03 UTC
Post by Mike
There is nothing left in this once
great land but Niggers Jews and Fags. The people that took down the world
trade center should have killed more of us.
And what neighborhood are you living in?
Post by Mike
I hope that some day soon they
use biological weapons on this shit hill and kill us all. We have become
nothing but the kind of crap that flies in the face of God.
This fucking nut writes this, then....
Post by Mike
* Logo Design *
Put some fun in your next logo!
Site at: http://www dot artistmike dot com
Fun, I'll bet.....
2004-01-14 21:35:29 UTC
Post by Mike
The USA has turned into the biggest pile of festering shit I have ever seen,
and I am sad to say I am one of you.
Then move! Don't let the door hit yo' ass on the way out!

There is nothing left in this once
Post by Mike
great land but Niggers Jews and Fags. The people that took down the world
trade center should have killed more of us. I hope that some day soon they
use biological weapons on this shit hill and kill us all. We have become
nothing but the kind of crap that flies in the face of God.
Good! You can let the terrorists kill you, you fucktard! We don't
need people like you in America. You're the reason why foreigners
hate this good country!
Post by Mike
Come all and cleans us from this earth!
I wonder if anyone has reported you to the FBI.
