Where Can I Get a "Gun Free" Yard Sign? (was Re: NY Million Mom meetup cancelled
(too old to reply)
2003-11-03 13:35:03 UTC
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know what
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.

2003-11-03 18:15:09 UTC
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know what
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Cowards have a *Scaredy Cat Lives Here* sign in their yard.
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-04 04:39:28 UTC
Post by Don
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know
Post by Webzpider
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Cowards have a *Scaredy Cat Lives Here* sign in their yard.
Well Don, if you'll put a sign in your yard plainly legible from the
street that says, "I have guns. They are, a Glock, a fancy Browning
shotgun, an illegal machine gun, and I have some explosives I'm saving
for the end of the world. Come'n Get'em when you grow a pair..."

Then I'll put a sign up in my yard that says "GUN FREE ZONE". I think
everybody knows I sold my shotgun, but I don't mind putting the sign
up. In fact, it would make a nice community project. Hundreds of GUN
FREE ZONE signs.

So that's the dare. You first.


Imagine a man standing in a pair of long boots... the handle
of a large bowie-knife projecting from one or both boot-
tops; a leather belt buckled around his waist, on each side
of which is fastened a large revolver... Imagine such a
picture of humanity, who can swear any given number of oaths
in any specified time, drink any quantity of bad whiskey
without getting drunk, and boast of having stolen a half
dozen horses and killed one or more abolitionists -- and you
will have a pretty fair conception of a Border Ruffian, as
he appears in Missouri and in Kansas.

John H. Gihon

Two Bears
2003-11-03 18:20:56 UTC
"Webzpider" <***@re.superior.nu> wrote in message news:<***@news.meganetnews.com>...

Well, since the liberals put them on all our children's schools...
Rex Tincher
2003-11-03 18:41:36 UTC
On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 13:35:03 GMT, "Webzpider"
<***@re.superior.nu> wrote:

Post by Webzpider
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
There are more than 250 million guns in the USA. You can estimate
brain power by seeing how people deal with that fact.

Fewer gun deaths means less support for gun control. The NRA teaches
children that guns are for hunting and self defense.

More gun deaths means more support for gun control. The gun control
lobby teaches children that "The only purpose of guns is to kill
people." Then gun control lobbyists like Sarah Brady buy guns for
those same children.

Looks like the anti-gun loons are smarter than most people think.
More evil, too.
"I can't describe how I felt when I picked up that rifle, loaded
it into my little car and drove home. It seemed so incredibly
strange: Sarah Brady, of all people, packing heat."
- Sarah Brady, explaining how her son avoided the Brady criminal
background check by getting her to buy the sniper rifle for him.
Source: New York Daily News, Mar. 21, 2002, "Gun control advocate
may have violated gun laws"
Gregory Procter
2003-11-03 21:29:11 UTC
Post by Rex Tincher
On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 13:35:03 GMT, "Webzpider"
Post by Webzpider
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
There are more than 250 million guns in the USA. You can estimate
brain power by seeing how people deal with that fact.
Hmmm, nearly 280 million yanks and over 250 million guns - If one has to
have more than one gun to be a "gun loon" then less than half of all
yanks are gun loons!
However, if we remove the minors, convicted criminals etc from the nearly
280 million population figure we get a gun ownership figure somewhere in
the region of 250+m/adult population = circa 2.
So, either all yank adults are gun loons, or some are not and a high
proportion are paranoid gun loons.
Larry Jandro
2003-11-03 21:44:20 UTC
Post by Gregory Procter
So, either all yank adults are gun loons, or some are not and a
high proportion are paranoid gun loons.
Some loons have guns, some loons do not. Some paranoids have guns,
some paranoids do not.

And some loons live in New Zealand, and spend most of their time
harassing people who live in the USA.
Larry Jandro - Remove spamtrap in ALLCAPS to e-mail

"Lord, are we worthy of the task that lies before us,
or are we just jerking off..?"
2003-11-03 23:28:27 UTC
Post by Gregory Procter
Post by Rex Tincher
On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 13:35:03 GMT, "Webzpider"
Post by Webzpider
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
There are more than 250 million guns in the USA. You can estimate
brain power by seeing how people deal with that fact.
Hmmm, nearly 280 million yanks and over 250 million guns - If one has
to have more than one gun to be a "gun loon" then less than half of
all yanks are gun loons!
However, if we remove the minors, convicted criminals etc from the
nearly 280 million population figure we get a gun ownership figure
somewhere in the region of 250+m/adult population = circa 2.
So, either all yank adults are gun loons, or some are not and a high
proportion are paranoid gun loons.
Not exactly the exact arithmetic. I had the following dialog with a cab
driver in Washington, D.C.

Me: "Say, driver, why are there no gun stores in DC?"
Cabbie: "Guns are illegal in the District. No guns, no gun stores. Whereze
you from?"
Me: "Texas."
Cabbie: "Youz got guns in Texas?"
Me: "In general or just me?"
Cabbie: "No, youz."
Me: "I have friends with lots of guns. Me, personally, I just have your
basic household set."
Cabbie: "Household set! Whazz that?"
Me: "You know, short-barrel shotgun, pistol, carbine, and a throw-down. The
basic household set."
Cabbie: (panicking) "Wherze you want off?"
Gregory Procter
2003-11-04 01:23:49 UTC
Post by JerryMouse
Post by Gregory Procter
Post by Rex Tincher
On Mon, 03 Nov 2003 13:35:03 GMT, "Webzpider"
Post by Webzpider
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
There are more than 250 million guns in the USA. You can estimate
brain power by seeing how people deal with that fact.
Hmmm, nearly 280 million yanks and over 250 million guns - If one has
to have more than one gun to be a "gun loon" then less than half of
all yanks are gun loons!
However, if we remove the minors, convicted criminals etc from the
nearly 280 million population figure we get a gun ownership figure
somewhere in the region of 250+m/adult population = circa 2.
So, either all yank adults are gun loons, or some are not and a high
proportion are paranoid gun loons.
Not exactly the exact arithmetic.
Hey, I only went with the data supplied - didn't even check it's accuracy.
Post by JerryMouse
I had the following dialog with a cab
driver in Washington, D.C.
Me: "Say, driver, why are there no gun stores in DC?"
Cabbie: "Guns are illegal in the District. No guns, no gun stores. Whereze
you from?"
Me: "Texas."
Cabbie: "Youz got guns in Texas?"
Me: "In general or just me?"
Cabbie: "No, youz."
Me: "I have friends with lots of guns. Me, personally, I just have your
basic household set."
Cabbie: "Household set! Whazz that?"
Me: "You know, short-barrel shotgun, pistol, carbine, and a throw-down. The
basic household set."
Cabbie: (panicking) "Wherze you want off?"
LOL, I'm with the Cabbie.
Allan Lindsay-O'Neal
2003-11-03 19:32:40 UTC
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Do you have yours yet?
Lynn K. Circle
2003-11-04 00:15:49 UTC
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know what
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Hell, we're not CHARGING for them. We're giving them away for free to
people just like you.
2003-11-04 03:34:22 UTC
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know what
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Hell, we're not CHARGING for them. We're giving them away for free to
people just like you.
...and the really great thing about them is the fact that they've
never been used.
2003-11-04 03:57:35 UTC
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Hell, we're not CHARGING for them. We're giving them away for free to
people just like you.
Everybody would be better off if you paid him to take the sign.
2003-11-04 04:04:50 UTC
Post by JerryMouse
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Hell, we're not CHARGING for them. We're giving them away for free to
people just like you.
Everybody would be better off if you paid him to take the sign.
nice of you to show some solidarity with Lynne her fellow trans-sexual
gunnuts, Jerry. They won't thank you for it, but what the hell.
2003-11-04 13:32:49 UTC
Post by AJ
Post by JerryMouse
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Hell, we're not CHARGING for them. We're giving them away for free
to people just like you.
Everybody would be better off if you paid him to take the sign.
nice of you to show some solidarity with Lynne her fellow trans-sexual
gunnuts, Jerry. They won't thank you for it, but what the hell.
I don't need thanks. Just the certain knowledge that I'm doing a Good
Thing(tm) is reward enough.
Lynn K. Circle
2003-11-04 22:17:19 UTC
Note to the poster to whom Jerry Mouse was responding:

Your post didn't show up here. However, it is obvious you cannot read
for, if you could, you would realize that my name has no "e" at the
end of it. Then it might percolate through your reptilian brain that
without the "e" it is a masculine rather than a feminine name .. but I
doubt it, as I doubt you can follow the logic of this sentence.

Since you are using the term, "gunnut" in obvious ignorance of what it
means, let me give you a precise and criteriologically-based

Gun Nut -- a person who has accepted responsibility for himself and
his family. In so doing he recognizes that he also bears
responsibility for their protection against harm insofar as it is
within his power to do so. Therefore, he insists they wear seatbelts
when in a car, keeps a fire extinguisher in his home, regularly
replaces his smoke detector batteries, etc. In the same vein, he owns
a defensive firearm and has invested the time and money required for
using it effectively at need.

Statistically (and as one would expect of one who assumes
responsibility for himself), Gun Nuts have more education than the
norm and are generally in an above-median income bracket because of
their education and hard work. They are more likely than the average
to have voluntarily served in the military and to work in volunteer
programs in their community. In fact, the only category where gun
nuts are measurably LOWER than the norm is the category of criminal
activities. Gun Nuts tend to be law-abiding, hard-working, and
productive members of their community.

Can you hear me now?

Lynn Circle
NRA, TSRA, American Legion
Proudly accepting the appellation of "Gun Nut"
Post by JerryMouse
Post by AJ
Post by JerryMouse
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Hell, we're not CHARGING for them. We're giving them away for free
to people just like you.
Everybody would be better off if you paid him to take the sign.
nice of you to show some solidarity with Lynne her fellow trans-sexual
gunnuts, Jerry. They won't thank you for it, but what the hell.
I don't need thanks. Just the certain knowledge that I'm doing a Good
Thing(tm) is reward enough.
Jim Nicholson
2003-11-05 04:17:32 UTC
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Can you hear me now?
Loud and clear, Sir, loud and clear!
2003-11-05 04:47:30 UTC
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Your post didn't show up here.
It didn't show up because he posted to as many groups as he could find -
similar to graffiti on a subway car - so he could annoy as many people as
possible. And you probably have cross-posters blocked (a not altogether bad
2003-11-05 06:13:00 UTC
Post by JerryMouse
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Your post didn't show up here.
It didn't show up because he posted to as many groups as he could find -
similar to graffiti on a subway car - so he could annoy as many people as
possible. And you probably have cross-posters blocked (a not altogether bad
It didn't show up for Lynnie because I don't allow google to archive
most of my posts and she's reading the group from google, you ignorant
2003-11-05 04:54:43 UTC
Post by JerryMouse
Post by AJ
Post by JerryMouse
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Hell, we're not CHARGING for them. We're giving them away for free
to people just like you.
Everybody would be better off if you paid him to take the sign.
nice of you to show some solidarity with Lynne her fellow trans-sexual
gunnuts, Jerry. They won't thank you for it, but what the hell.
I don't need thanks. Just the certain knowledge that I'm doing a Good
Thing(tm) is reward enough.
And, you sad old fucker, people give a flying fuck about that
Mark S. Suever
2003-11-06 06:15:28 UTC
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know what
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
2003-11-06 06:00:55 UTC
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 23:15:28 -0700, "Mark S. Suever"
Post by Mark S. Suever
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
So they can explain it to the right-wing gun loonies who don't have
the brains to assimilate basic messages?
Morton Davis
2003-11-06 10:10:18 UTC
Post by Mark S. Suever
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know
Post by Webzpider
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
Two things: One. How does that fit into this thread. Two. "Bowling fo
Columbine" is as much a documentary as "The Ducktator" was.

2003-11-06 20:31:41 UTC
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 10:10:18 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know
Post by Webzpider
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
Two things: One. How does that fit into this thread. Two. "Bowling fo
Columbine" is as much a documentary as "The Ducktator" was.
Point to note:

Mort did in fact steal his copy and yet still claims to be a law
abiding gun owner
Morton Davis
2003-11-06 21:54:01 UTC
Post by Shaun
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 10:10:18 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Shaun
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know
Post by Webzpider
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
Two things: One. How does that fit into this thread. Two. "Bowling fo
Columbine" is as much a documentary as "The Ducktator" was.
Mort did in fact steal his copy and yet still claims to be a law
abiding gun owner
Point to note: I could have waited for it to apppear on HBO and taped it
then. It's crap.

2003-11-07 03:18:28 UTC
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 21:54:01 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Shaun
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 10:10:18 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Shaun
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend
Post by Shaun
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
Post by Webzpider
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago,
Post by Shaun
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
Two things: One. How does that fit into this thread. Two. "Bowling fo
Columbine" is as much a documentary as "The Ducktator" was.
Mort did in fact steal his copy and yet still claims to be a law
abiding gun owner
Point to note: I could have waited for it to apppear on HBO and taped it
then. It's crap.
2003-11-06 22:17:50 UTC
Post by Shaun
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 10:10:18 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
Post by Webzpider
Well, you could "host" a meeting, and let those that attend know
Post by Webzpider
MMM has REALLY been up to
I told them my place was great for a meeting, real safe, you
know with loaded guns all over.
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
Two things: One. How does that fit into this thread. Two. "Bowling fo
Columbine" is as much a documentary as "The Ducktator" was.
Mort did in fact steal his copy and yet still claims to be a law
abiding gun owner
He held the store up for his copy?

Groggy No-cite on the job site.
Loading Image...

Nick pissing in the shower.
Loading Image...

Pic of Nick and Groggy. Friends forever!
Loading Image...

Bush and Blair video. 3.85 meg download

Poor Laura!
Loading Image...


"We have liberated a number of countries and we do not own one square
foot of any of those countries -- except where we bury our dead." -
Secretary of State Colin Powell, September 14, 2003
2003-11-06 22:55:18 UTC
Post by LIBassbug
Post by Shaun
Mort did in fact steal his copy and yet still claims to be a law
abiding gun owner
He held the store up for his copy?
He swapped his trailer for it.
2003-11-07 03:22:47 UTC
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 22:55:18 -0000, "nick"
Post by nick
Post by LIBassbug
Post by Shaun
Mort did in fact steal his copy and yet still claims to be a law
abiding gun owner
He held the store up for his copy?
He swapped his trailer for it.
He got the best end of that little deal.
Jim Nicholson
2003-11-06 14:34:57 UTC
Post by Mark S. Suever
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
And I suggest you spend some time reading at:

2003-11-06 20:38:25 UTC
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 23:15:28 -0700, "Mark S. Suever"
Post by Mark S. Suever
Great documentary, I just watched this on Pay-per-view a few weeks ago, I
recommend all you liberal anti-gun sissy's watch it.
It was disgraceful the way Moore picked on that mentally ill, elderly
gun owning actor
Mark S. Suever
2003-11-07 05:01:11 UTC
That was the best part!

The thing that I got out of the movie is that Americans are just too
paranoid from all of the shite they watch on TV and the news. "They're
gonna get us, the governement is going to take over, they're going to rob me
and rape my wife, just like I saw on TV!"

Think about the news tease you get each night before the news. Usually
they're trying to get you to think you're in danger and you better watch the
story at 10 to find out how to protect yourself.

Oh, shite, it's 10... gotta go see how to protect myself.
Post by Shaun
It was disgraceful the way Moore picked on that mentally ill, elderly
gun owning actor
2003-11-07 04:46:34 UTC
On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 22:01:11 -0700, "Mark S. Suever"
Post by Mark S. Suever
That was the best part!
The thing that I got out of the movie is that Americans are just too
paranoid from all of the shite they watch on TV and the news. "They're
gonna get us, the governement is going to take over, they're going to rob me
and rape my wife, just like I saw on TV!"
Post by Mark S. Suever
Think about the news tease you get each night before the news. Usually
they're trying to get you to think you're in danger and you better watch the
story at 10 to find out how to protect yourself.
Oh, shite, it's 10... gotta go see how to protect myself.
Post by Shaun
It was disgraceful the way Moore picked on that mentally ill, elderly
gun owning actor
Morton Davis
2003-11-07 04:55:26 UTC
Post by Mark S. Suever
That was the best part!
The thing that I got out of the movie is that Americans are just too
paranoid from all of the shite they watch on TV and the news.
No doubt, you came to that "conclusion" based on shite you saw on that telly
you pay an annual tax on. Basing your imptressions of Amnericans on that
piece of shit film, "Bowling for Columbine" is like basing one's impressions
of the UK on old Benny Hill reruns.

2003-11-07 04:56:08 UTC
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 04:55:26 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
That was the best part!
The thing that I got out of the movie is that Americans are just too
paranoid from all of the shite they watch on TV and the news.
No doubt, you came to that "conclusion" based on shite you saw on that telly
you pay an annual tax on. Basing your imptressions of Amnericans on that
piece of shit film, "Bowling for Columbine" is like basing one's impressions
of the UK on old Benny Hill reruns.
Morton Davis
2003-11-07 05:18:51 UTC
Post by AJ
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 04:55:26 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
That was the best part!
The thing that I got out of the movie is that Americans are just too
paranoid from all of the shite they watch on TV and the news.
No doubt, you came to that "conclusion" based on shite you saw on that telly
you pay an annual tax on. Basing your imptressions of Amnericans on that
piece of shit film, "Bowling for Columbine" is like basing one's impressions
of the UK on old Benny Hill reruns.
What a fucktard. This makes twice you plonked me in one day. The truth must
realy hurt. BfC is shit, plain, pure and simple. Nothing but one big string
of lies. NotOn must refer to the status of your brain

2003-11-07 05:19:11 UTC
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 05:18:51 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Morton Davis
Post by AJ
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 04:55:26 GMT, "Morton Davis"
Post by Morton Davis
Post by Mark S. Suever
That was the best part!
The thing that I got out of the movie is that Americans are just too
paranoid from all of the shite they watch on TV and the news.
No doubt, you came to that "conclusion" based on shite you saw on that
Post by AJ
Post by Morton Davis
you pay an annual tax on. Basing your imptressions of Amnericans on that
piece of shit film, "Bowling for Columbine" is like basing one's
Post by AJ
Post by Morton Davis
of the UK on old Benny Hill reruns.
What a fucktard. This makes twice you plonked me in one day. The truth must
realy hurt. BfC is shit, plain, pure and simple. Nothing but one big string
of lies. NotOn must refer to the status of your brain
2003-11-08 13:13:11 UTC
Post by AJ
You don't know what that means, do you, moron.

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2003-11-08 13:13:44 UTC
On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 13:13:11 GMT, Asmodeus
Post by Asmodeus
Post by AJ
You don't know what that means, do you, moron.
It means that you don't know how to operate your newsreader, doesn't
it, moron.

2003-11-07 08:42:15 UTC
Post by Morton Davis
No doubt, you came to that "conclusion" based on shite you saw on that telly
you pay an annual tax on. Basing your imptressions of Amnericans on that
piece of shit film, "Bowling for Columbine" is like basing one's impressions
of the UK on old Benny Hill reruns.
2003-11-14 02:51:25 UTC
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction with the "gun
free" signs. this is due to the lack of mentality of the anti gun
crowd.the consensus is if they do not have the sense to arm themselves
and think for themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't worry you
shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too if the need arises.
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-14 07:39:20 UTC
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction with the "gun
free" signs. this is due to the lack of mentality of the anti gun
crowd.the consensus is if they do not have the sense to arm themselves
and think for themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't worry you
shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too if the need arises.
Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my fence facing the
street if you'll put a sign up on your fence or in your yard visible
from the street that says:

I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY HOUSE! COME'N

I base the language of these signs on your claim that guns makes us
safe, while not having guns means that armed robbers could bust into
our houses ay virtually any time and kill us "shepple" who don't have
guns. So the extra taunting on your sign should make you safer, while
just telling everybody I don't have guns will probably get me killed
in a few hours. I think that's fair, don't you?

For this dare, I'll have to see a picture of your sign in the yard,
then I'll post a picture of my sign. First guy that takes down the
sign or makes it less visible is a pussy.

I've made this dare to lots of gunloons and none of them had the balls
to go through with it.

Remember - you have to draw attention to the fact that you have guns,
you have to describe a few of your favorite guns, and then dare
everybody to come take your guns. You'll be perfectly safe according
to your own claims.

I'll probably be dead before the sun goes down, once my murderous
neighbors realize I don't have a gun anymore, just an aluminum
baseball bat and a few pretty sharp butcher knives. Maybe I'll get
lucky and break a few skulls, gut a few beer bellies, but just like
Texicans at the Alamo I will be doomed.

How about it, Mr. O'Really?


The argument advanced against the constitutionality of this
law is, that any discrimination made by the legislature, in
punishing the abuse of this right, in regard to a particular
weapon, is an impairing of the right of its lawful use. That
proposition given a practical application, amounts to this,
that the legislature cannot affix any higher punishment to
an unlawful assault with one of the dangerous weapons, which
it is lawful to carry, than with any other; because the
effect of such discrimination against the unlawful use of
such weapon would discourage the lawful use of it, and
therefore the carrying of it. This proposition can hardly be
maintained; for admitting that two persons make each an
assault with like vicious intent, though with different
weapons, one with a weapon not likely to produce death, but
which is capable of it, and sometimes does it; and the other
with a weapon so destructive in its character as to be
almost certain to produce death, when used offensively; the
act of the one, who has the more dangerous instrument, is
much more likely to be seriously injurious to other people,
than the act of the other, though the intent is the same in
doing the acts. Now if the legislature can make no
distinction in the punishment of the two cases supposed, it
is forced to base its punishment upon the degree of evil
intent, in total disregard of the means needed to carry out
that intent, and of the probable injurious results of the

Cockrum v. State, 24 Texas 394 (1859)
Lynn K. Circle
2003-11-14 14:06:14 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction with the "gun
free" signs. this is due to the lack of mentality of the anti gun
crowd.the consensus is if they do not have the sense to arm themselves
and think for themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't worry you
shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too if the need arises.
Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my fence facing the
street if you'll put a sign up on your fence or in your yard visible
I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY HOUSE! COME'N
That's a little too provocative. In Texas it might even nullify your
right to self-defense on the basis that you provoked the violence.

However, would you accept in lieu of your bombastic sign a small
window sticker saying, "Security provided by Smith and Wesson," with
an outline of a revolver? I've actually seen these on various
windows, albeit I admittedly haven't spent the money to get any for my
own. (But my automobile DOES have a TSRA sticker, an NRA window
sticker, and a bumper sticker saying, "Charlton Heston is My
President." Those carry the same sort of message.)

Lynn Circle
Herb Martin
2003-11-14 14:35:01 UTC
He will weasel out as he did last time.
Herb Martin
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction with the "gun
free" signs. this is due to the lack of mentality of the anti gun
crowd.the consensus is if they do not have the sense to arm themselves
and think for themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't worry you
shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too if the need arises.
Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my fence facing the
street if you'll put a sign up on your fence or in your yard visible
I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY HOUSE! COME'N
That's a little too provocative. In Texas it might even nullify your
right to self-defense on the basis that you provoked the violence.
However, would you accept in lieu of your bombastic sign a small
window sticker saying, "Security provided by Smith and Wesson," with
an outline of a revolver? I've actually seen these on various
windows, albeit I admittedly haven't spent the money to get any for my
own. (But my automobile DOES have a TSRA sticker, an NRA window
sticker, and a bumper sticker saying, "Charlton Heston is My
President." Those carry the same sort of message.)
Lynn Circle
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-14 17:13:40 UTC
Gunloons ran away because they refused to put up a similar

Pussy willows...

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.


Examining data from the National Crime Victimization Survey
and the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, Cook and Ludwig found
that gun ownership actually increases the likelihood that a
home will be burglarized. A 10-percent increase in a county's
gun-ownership rate results in a 3-to-7-percent increase in
the likelihood that a home in that county will be
burglarized, the authors found.

"One possible reason why the risk of burglary increases with
gun prevalence is that guns are valuable loot," they wrote.
"Providing some support for this theory is the fact that in
14 percent of the burglaries ... in which a gun was stolen,
it was the only item stolen."

New Research 'Shoots Down' Concealed-Carry Claims by Dick

Arnold Wolfcastle
2003-11-15 18:38:49 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Gunloons ran away because they refused to put up a similar
Pussy willows...
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
Examining data from the National Crime Victimization Survey
and the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, Cook and Ludwig found
that gun ownership actually increases the likelihood that a
home will be burglarized. A 10-percent increase in a county's
gun-ownership rate results in a 3-to-7-percent increase in
the likelihood that a home in that county will be
burglarized, the authors found.
"One possible reason why the risk of burglary increases with
gun prevalence is that guns are valuable loot," they wrote.
"Providing some support for this theory is the fact that in
14 percent of the burglaries ... in which a gun was stolen,
it was the only item stolen."
New Research 'Shoots Down' Concealed-Carry Claims by Dick
Their research methodology sounds flawed. Wealthier homes or
neighborhoods might have more guns or fewer guns. Poorer
neighborhoods will generally have more guns and higher crime.

How did the researchers adjust for this?

What university do they teach at? Sounds like anti-gun propaganda.

John Lott did his work when he was at University of Chicago. U of C
has among the best quantitative MBA programs in the world. His
statistical methods are top notch.
Carl Nisarel
2003-11-15 23:21:00 UTC
Under the brown fog of a winter dawn, Arnold Wolfcastle wrote
Post by Arnold Wolfcastle
John Lott did his work when he was at University of
Some of it.
Post by Arnold Wolfcastle
U of C has among the best quantitative MBA
programs in the world.
That's an irrelevant non sequitur.
Post by Arnold Wolfcastle
His statistical methods are top notch.
ROTFL! Lott's use of statistical methods are a joke. He
doesn't understand the simple concept of statistical
"The vast majority of the population lives in low-crime
neighborhoods and has virtually no need for a gun for
defensive reasons." - Gary Kleck
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-14 16:43:38 UTC
Post by Lynn K. Circle
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes
were still selling "Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction
with the "gun free" signs. this is due to the lack of
mentality of the anti gun crowd.the consensus is if they
do not have the sense to arm themselves and think for
themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed.
don't worry you shepple, we armed citizens will protect
you too if the need arises.
Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my
fence facing the street if you'll put a sign up on your
I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY
That's a little too provocative. In Texas it might even
nullify your right to self-defense on the basis that you
provoked the violence.
Okay, put up a simple sign in your yard that says you own guns
and just name a few. Maybe you'll meet new gunbuddies.
Post by Lynn K. Circle
However, would you accept in lieu of your bombastic sign a
small window sticker saying, "Security provided by Smith
and Wesson," with an outline of a revolver?
Did yall want me to put a little GUN FREE sticker on my window?

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
Post by Lynn K. Circle
I've actually
seen these on various windows, albeit I admittedly haven't
spent the money to get any for my own. (But my automobile
DOES have a TSRA sticker, an NRA window sticker, and a
bumper sticker saying, "Charlton Heston is My President."
Those carry the same sort of message.)
So you haul your guns around in the truck with all those
stickers on it? Sounds like somebody would steal them.

See, the idea gunloons promote is that without guns, I am
doomed. If I put up the GUN FREE sign I will surely die.

They, on the other hand, are afraid to test their claim. If I
declare that I have no guns, they have to declare they have
guns, and it should be where people can see it not a little
sticker on your door that nobody can read from the street.
That's the real test - what safety do guns provide when
everybody knows you have them, as opposed to the certain death
provided by my admission I don't have guns?

I accept the mortal danger of my GUN FREE sign; does Mr.
O'Really accept the danger of everybody knowing he has guns?

I bet he doesn't.


Examining data from the National Crime Victimization Survey
and the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, Cook and Ludwig found
that gun ownership actually increases the likelihood that a
home will be burglarized. A 10-percent increase in a county's
gun-ownership rate results in a 3-to-7-percent increase in
the likelihood that a home in that county will be
burglarized, the authors found.

"One possible reason why the risk of burglary increases with
gun prevalence is that guns are valuable loot," they wrote.
"Providing some support for this theory is the fact that in
14 percent of the burglaries ... in which a gun was stolen,
it was the only item stolen."

New Research 'Shoots Down' Concealed-Carry Claims by Dick

2003-11-15 15:08:59 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
I accept the mortal danger of my GUN FREE sign; does Mr.
O'Really accept the danger of everybody knowing he has guns?
I bet he doesn't.
my signs have been in place for some time, as i stated, on account of
my range. i WILL NOT make the taunting,ignorant ststements you wrote,
though. my signs has enough info to inform the pulic guns are present
and utilized on these premises.i have not backed down, but will bet
you will. hell, this is pointless, as you will put it up, take a
picture, and remove it. that is the kind of player you are. not the
kind i think you are, but who you are!
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-15 15:54:53 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
I accept the mortal danger of my GUN FREE sign; does Mr.
O'Really accept the danger of everybody knowing he has
I bet he doesn't.
my signs have been in place for some time, as i stated, on
account of my range.
That's your window sticker? How big is that window sticker,
Mr. O'Really? Can it be read by someone driving or walking by
on the street?
i WILL NOT make the taunting,ignorant
ststements you wrote, though.
Oh, you'll make taunting ignorant statements here on TPG, where
there are no consequences, but in reality you'd never say
anything that would lead people to believe you have guns in the

How big is that sticker, anyway? Where is it located - on your
door or maybe on a window pane where nobody would ever see it?
my signs has enough info to
inform the pulic guns are present and utilized on these
premises.i have not backed down, but will bet you will.
Well, the sign needs to be easily legible from the street, Mr.
O'Really. Like I said, if you just want me to put a tiny
sticker on my door, I'd have to object that most folks can
barely see my doors from the street. At night you can barely
see the house.

And it's just 30 feet from the street.

No, we'd better put the signs out like they do in political
campaigns. When they actually want people to read them.
hell, this is pointless, as you will put it up, take a
picture, and remove it. that is the kind of player you are.
not the kind i think you are, but who you are!
So you gave up, Mr. O'Really, because I asked you to put up the
same size sign they asked me to put up, with the same language
you use in this newsgroup written on it?
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction
with the "gun free" signs. this is due to the lack of
mentality of the anti gun crowd.the consensus is if they do
not have the sense to arm themselves and think for
themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't
worry you shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too
if the need arises.
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh...



"Non-violence and cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a
fully armed man to be at heart a coward. Possession of arms
implies an element of fear, if not cowardice. But true non-
violence is an impossibility without the possession of
unadulterated fearlessness."

- Mahatma Gandhi
Sam Kersh
2003-11-15 17:08:05 UTC
I see that Lee, the Lying Lush, has crawled from under a rock again.
Say, Lush, gotten anymore DWIs?

Lurkers: Which the Lush doesn't want you to know:

The State of Texas vs. HARRISON, LEE DOUGLAS
State Identification Number: 02743838
Date of Birth: Jun 8 1957
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 250
Height (ft inches): 511
Race: White
Gender: M
State Identification Number: 02743838
Arresting Agency ORI: TX2120000
Arresting Agency Identifier: 14677
Court Disposition Date: May 23 1980
Court Offense Numeric: Driving Under Influence Liquor
Date of Sentence or Status Change: May 23 1980
Court Disposition Numeric: CONVICTED
Court Probation: 1Y

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-15 17:42:46 UTC
Post by Sam Kersh
I see that Lee, the Lying Lush, has crawled from under a
rock again. Say, Lush, gotten anymore DWIs?
Hey Chamois, I made myself a hot toddy the other night.
First drink I've had in about a year.

And I put the cork in the bottle and set it back on the
mantle, and I didn't want another drink or even think about
it until you brought it up.

So what's your story, Sam? You're apparently a military man.
Do you attend military AA meetings?

I've found that the only people really obsessed with my
drinking are practicing alcoholics. Nobody else seems to
care. I guess the thought that I beat my addiction, and
maybe you're still struggling with yours which makes you sad.

Maybe you should catch a meeting, instead of making a fool of
yourself, eh Sam?
What Same Kersh has been told is that knowingly and willingly
posting my uncorrected dwi record is libel in Texas.

The corrected record is available from the Texas Department
of Public Safety Records Division, and it shows that I was
never convicted of a crime...

Though I did come pretty close...

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.


19th century lawyer is big gun in concealed carry battle




As attorneys wrangle over the constitutionality of
Missouri's new concealed weapons law, a figure from a
turbulent era in the 19th century is casting his shadow
through a St. Louis courtroom.

What Thomas T. Gantt said - and what he meant - as key
member of a committee that helped draft the 1875 revision of
the state constitution is at the crux of a trial court
dispute certain to end up with the Missouri Supreme Court.

That version of the constitution added a provision to the
right of citizens to bear arms, saying "this shall not
justify the wearing of concealed weapons."

Records of the day show that Gantt, a prominent lawyer who
once helped quell bloody riots in the streets of St. Louis,
had a strong opinion in the matter. "It is a practice which
cannot be too severely condemned," he said. "It is a
practice fraught with the most incalculable evil."


For all the rancor now, the original constitutional
provision apparently provoked little debate.

On May 13, 1875, Gantt, then an attorney in private
practice, reported on the committee's draft of a bill of
rights and preamble. He introduced the section reaffirming a
citizen's right "to bear arms when he is summoned legally or
under authority of law to aid the civil processes or defend
the state."

Gantt said, "There will be no difference of opinion I think
on that subject; but then the declaration is distinctly made
that nothing contained in this provision shall sanction or
justify the wearing of concealed weapons."

He noted that in at least one other state, its
constitution's right to bear arms had led to a conclusion
that its legislature could not make concealed weapons

"The wearing of concealed weapons is a practice which I
presume meets with the general reprobation of all thinking
men," Gantt continued, speaking at a time when infamous
outlaw Jesse James was terrorizing Missouri.

His comments are recounted in the 12-volume Debates of the
Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1875, which lawyers
said appears to reflect no significant debate on the issue.

On May 25, 1875, the amendment was adopted without further
discussion of concealed weapons. A year earlier, the
Legislature had passed a law making them illegal anyway.
Sam Kersh
2003-11-16 23:10:05 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
What Same Kersh has been told is that knowingly and willingly
posting my uncorrected dwi record is libel in Texas.
Aw, but it isn't incorrect. You've admitted to it. True isn't
slander. That it might have been expunged is immaterial, Lush.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-16 23:53:34 UTC
On 15 Nov 2003 17:42:46 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
What Same Kersh has been told is that knowingly and
willingly posting my uncorrected dwi record is libel in
Aw, but it isn't incorrect. You've admitted to it. True
isn't slander. That it might have been expunged is
immaterial, Lush.
Well, first I stopped drinking alcoholically years ago. I
told you that. Your insinuation that I drink alcoholically,
in combination with repeated, illegal posting of a 20 year
old, incorrect dwi record, tends to show your bad intent.

Second, I told you that the record you've posted many times
is incorrect, and that for less than $4.00 you could get the
corrected record if you were really interested. But you
continued posting the incorrect record in an attempt to
embarrass or intimidate me. That shows bad intent too.

Third, I thought the record had been expunged in 1981, until
you posted that incorrect record; note that the record has
been incorrect since 1981, but you knowingly and willingly
posted it after I told you it was incorrect. If the record
had been accurate, I'd have no gripe. But because the record
was incorrect, you've committed a libel under Texas law.

[begin excerpt]


Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code


§ 73.001. Elements of Libel

A libel is a defamation expressed in written or other graphic
form that tends to blacken the memory of the dead or that
tends to injure a living person's reputation and thereby
expose the person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or
financial injury or to impeach any person's honesty,
integrity, virtue, or reputation or to publish the natural
defects of anyone and thereby expose the person to public
hatred, ridicule, or financial injury.

Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 959, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1985.

§ 73.005. Truth a Defense

The truth of the statement in the publication on which an
action for libel is based is a defense to the action.

Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 959, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1985.

[end excerpt]

Truth would be a defense if the record you posted were
accurate. But it never was.

Stupidity is not a defense under this statute.


For the great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -
deliberate, contrived, and dishonest - but the myth -
persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold
fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts
to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the
comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

-John F. Kennedy. Commencement Address at Yale University,
Pub. Papers 470, 471 (June 11, 1962).
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 03:30:20 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
On 15 Nov 2003 17:42:46 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
What Same Kersh has been told is that knowingly and
willingly posting my uncorrected dwi record is libel in
Aw, but it isn't incorrect. You've admitted to it. True
isn't slander. That it might have been expunged is
immaterial, Lush.
Well, first I stopped drinking alcoholically years ago. I
told you that. Your insinuation that I drink alcoholically,
in combination with repeated, illegal posting of a 20 year
old, incorrect dwi record, tends to show your bad intent.
Now you're just lying again/still.... The DWI was part of both DPS
and publicdata.com's records. You acknowledged that you plead guilty.
Nothing I've posted is incorrect.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Second, I told you that the record you've posted many times
is incorrect, and that for less than $4.00 you could get the
corrected record if you were really interested. But you
continued posting the incorrect record in an attempt to
embarrass or intimidate me. That shows bad intent too.
Third, I thought the record had been expunged in 1981, until
you posted that incorrect record; note that the record has
been incorrect since 1981, but you knowingly and willingly
posted it after I told you it was incorrect. If the record
had been accurate, I'd have no gripe. But because the record
was incorrect, you've committed a libel under Texas law.
See, it wasn't that hard to acknowledge the info was correct. I can
also do a google and post the message where you admitted you plead
guilty to the DWI. Truth isn't libel.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 03:41:50 UTC
From Google search:

From: The Lone Weasel <***@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.misc
Subject: Johnny Johnson, aka TXJohn - Please Take Your Medication
Date: 3 Jul 2003 18:55:21 GMT
Lines: 163
Message-ID: <***@>
References: <***@posting.google.com>
<***@airmail.net> <***@corp.supernews.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 0-1pool0-34.nas11.dallas2.tx.us.da.qwest.net
X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1057258521 427185 (16 [167008])
User-Agent: Xnews/06.01.10
<big snip to get to the relative part>
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She assigned
the usual classes and probationary terms, and though I attended
all the classes I stupidly kept drinking and driving for years.

I'm ashamed that I behaved that way but I changed my behavior,
so I'm not ashamed of myself now.

Sorry about that, fellas.
Remember writing that?

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-17 03:51:15 UTC
Post by Sam Kersh
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She
assigned the usual classes and probationary terms, and
though I attended all the classes I stupidly kept drinking
and driving for years.
So you thought you'd attack my honesty by reposting that
incorrect record dozens of times, after I told you it was

That's illegal in Texas, Sammy. Intentionally publishing an
incorrect dwi record just to embarrass or intimidate me is

Why don't you just stop doing that and apologize to me?


To make this view of the case still more clear, we may
remark that the phrase, "bear arms," is used in the Kentucky
constitution as well as in our own, and implies, as has
already been suggested, their military use. The 28th section
of our bill of rights provides "that no citizen of this
state shall be compelled to bear arms provided he will pay
an equivalent, to be ascertained by law." Here we know that
the phrase has a military sense, and no other; and we must
infer that it is used in the same sense in the 26th section,
which secures to the citizen the right to bear arms. A man
in the pursuit of deer, elk, and buffaloes might carry his
rifle every day for forty years, and yet it would never be
said of him that he had borne arms; much less could it be
said that a private citizen bears arms because he has a dirk
or pistol concealed under his clothes, or a spear in a cane.
So that, with deference, we think the argument of the court
in the case referred to, even upon the question it has
debated, is defective and inconclusive.

Aymette v. State, 2 Humphreys 154 (Tenn. 1840)
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 04:07:18 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She
assigned the usual classes and probationary terms, and
though I attended all the classes I stupidly kept drinking
and driving for years.
So you thought you'd attack my honesty by reposting that
incorrect record dozens of times, after I told you it was
That's illegal in Texas, Sammy. Intentionally publishing an
incorrect dwi record just to embarrass or intimidate me is
Why don't you just stop doing that and apologize to me?
Apologize for what? That's what you wrote. See it? You admitted
that you plead guilty... One more time so you can reconsider it:
From google we find

From: The Lone Weasel <***@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.misc
Subject: Johnny Johnson, aka TXJohn - Please Take Your Medication
Date: 3 Jul 2003 18:55:21 GMT
Lines: 163
Message-ID: <***@>
References: <***@posting.google.com>
<***@airmail.net> <***@corp.supernews.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 0-1pool0-34.nas11.dallas2.tx.us.da.qwest.net
X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1057258521 427185 (16 [167008])
User-Agent: Xnews/06.01.10
Post by The Lone Weasel
<big snip to get to the relative part>
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She assigned
the usual classes and probationary terms, and though I attended
all the classes I stupidly kept drinking and driving for years.

I'm ashamed that I behaved that way but I changed my behavior,
so I'm not ashamed of myself now.

Sorry about that, fellas.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Anyone here, yourself included, can just plug in the message id into a
google seach and, volla, there's your post admitting you admitting
your guilt. That the record might have been expunged this year
doesn't change the fact you've acknowledged you pled guilty and that
the conviction was/is part of DPS records.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-17 04:20:52 UTC
On 17 Nov 2003 03:51:15 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She
assigned the usual classes and probationary terms, and
though I attended all the classes I stupidly kept
drinking and driving for years.
So you thought you'd attack my honesty by reposting that
incorrect record dozens of times, after I told you it was
That's illegal in Texas, Sammy. Intentionally publishing
an incorrect dwi record just to embarrass or intimidate me
is libelous.
Why don't you just stop doing that and apologize to me?
Apologize for what? That's what you wrote.
What does the corrected record say, Sammy? It would have
cost you less than $4 to check - but you chose to use that
incorrect dwi record to embarrass or intimidate me.

That's libel.
See it? You
admitted that you plead guilty... One more time so you can
reconsider it: From google we find
You're the one who chose to use that old dwi record to
harrass me, even after I told you it was incorrect and showed
you where to get the corrected record. You seem to be saying
it was my fault that you used an incorrect record to claim I
was convicted of that dwi, when that wasn't true.

See, if the record was true you'd get away with it. But it's
not true.

You have no defense, Sam.


This then is the general signification of law, a rule of
action dictated by some superior being: and, in those
creatures that have neither the power to think, nor to will,
such laws must be invariably obeyed, so long as the creature
itself subsists, for it's existence depends on that
obedience. But laws, in their more confined sense, and in
which it is our present business to consider them, denote
the rules, not of action in general, but of human action or
conduct: that is, the precepts by which man, the noblest of
all sublunary beings, a creature endowed with both reason
and freewill, is commanded to make use of those faculties in
the general regulation of his behaviour.

Blackstone's Commentaries, Book I, Part 1, Sec. 2
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 14:05:27 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
On 17 Nov 2003 03:51:15 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She
assigned the usual classes and probationary terms, and
though I attended all the classes I stupidly kept
drinking and driving for years.
So you thought you'd attack my honesty by reposting that
incorrect record dozens of times, after I told you it was
That's illegal in Texas, Sammy. Intentionally publishing
an incorrect dwi record just to embarrass or intimidate me
is libelous.
Why don't you just stop doing that and apologize to me?
Apologize for what? That's what you wrote.
What does the corrected record say, Sammy? It would have
cost you less than $4 to check - but you chose to use that
incorrect dwi record to embarrass or intimidate me.
That's libel.
See it? You
admitted that you plead guilty... One more time so you can
reconsider it: From google we find
You're the one who chose to use that old dwi record to
harrass me, even after I told you it was incorrect and showed
you where to get the corrected record. You seem to be saying
it was my fault that you used an incorrect record to claim I
was convicted of that dwi, when that wasn't true.
See, if the record was true you'd get away with it. But it's
not true.
You have no defense, Sam.
You are the one that admitted you pled quilty to a DWI charge:

From: The Lone Weasel <***@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.misc
Subject: Johnny Johnson, aka TXJohn - Please Take Your Medication
Date: 3 Jul 2003 18:55:21 GMT
Lines: 163
Message-ID: <***@>
References: <***@posting.google.com>
<***@airmail.net> <***@corp.supernews.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 0-1pool0-34.nas11.dallas2.tx.us.da.qwest.net
X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1057258521 427185 (16 [167008])
User-Agent: Xnews/06.01.10
Post by The Lone Weasel
<big snip to get to the relative part>
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She assigned
the usual classes and probationary terms, and though I attended
all the classes I stupidly kept drinking and driving for years.

I'm ashamed that I behaved that way but I changed my behavior,
so I'm not ashamed of myself now.

Sorry about that, fellas.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Anyone here, yourself included, can just plug in the message id into a
google seach and, volla, there's your post admitting you admitting
your guilt. That the record might have been expunged this year
doesn't change the fact you've acknowledged you pled guilty and that
the conviction was/is part of DPS records.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-17 15:54:05 UTC
On 17 Nov 2003 04:20:52 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
On 17 Nov 2003 03:51:15 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She
assigned the usual classes and probationary terms, and
though I attended all the classes I stupidly kept
drinking and driving for years.
So you thought you'd attack my honesty by reposting that
incorrect record dozens of times, after I told you it was
That's illegal in Texas, Sammy. Intentionally publishing
an incorrect dwi record just to embarrass or intimidate
me is libelous.
Why don't you just stop doing that and apologize to me?
Apologize for what? That's what you wrote.
What does the corrected record say, Sammy? It would have
cost you less than $4 to check - but you chose to use that
incorrect dwi record to embarrass or intimidate me.
That's libel.
See it? You
admitted that you plead guilty... One more time so you
can reconsider it: From google we find
You're the one who chose to use that old dwi record to
harrass me, even after I told you it was incorrect and
showed you where to get the corrected record. You seem to
be saying it was my fault that you used an incorrect record
to claim I was convicted of that dwi, when that wasn't
See, if the record was true you'd get away with it. But
it's not true.
You have no defense, Sam.
You are the one that admitted you pled quilty to a DWI
As I've told you several times, Sam, I finished my probation
under deferred adjudication and my plea was set aside, the case
was dismissed. I was never convicted of dwi.

You seem to think you can drag out an old dwi record and even
after I told you it was incorrect, post it anyway.

That's illegal under Texas law, as I showed you before. Now
that you've already libeled me repeatedly, I guess I have no
choice but to first notify your NSP, then your commanding
officer, and simply request that you stop this illegal

That would be the reasonable thing to do, don't you think?


19th century lawyer is big gun in concealed carry battle




As attorneys wrangle over the constitutionality of
Missouri's new concealed weapons law, a figure from a
turbulent era in the 19th century is casting his shadow
through a St. Louis courtroom.

What Thomas T. Gantt said - and what he meant - as key
member of a committee that helped draft the 1875 revision of
the state constitution is at the crux of a trial court
dispute certain to end up with the Missouri Supreme Court.

That version of the constitution added a provision to the
right of citizens to bear arms, saying "this shall not
justify the wearing of concealed weapons."

Records of the day show that Gantt, a prominent lawyer who
once helped quell bloody riots in the streets of St. Louis,
had a strong opinion in the matter. "It is a practice which
cannot be too severely condemned," he said. "It is a
practice fraught with the most incalculable evil."


For all the rancor now, the original constitutional
provision apparently provoked little debate.

On May 13, 1875, Gantt, then an attorney in private
practice, reported on the committee's draft of a bill of
rights and preamble. He introduced the section reaffirming a
citizen's right "to bear arms when he is summoned legally or
under authority of law to aid the civil processes or defend
the state."

Gantt said, "There will be no difference of opinion I think
on that subject; but then the declaration is distinctly made
that nothing contained in this provision shall sanction or
justify the wearing of concealed weapons."

He noted that in at least one other state, its
constitution's right to bear arms had led to a conclusion
that its legislature could not make concealed weapons

"The wearing of concealed weapons is a practice which I
presume meets with the general reprobation of all thinking
men," Gantt continued, speaking at a time when infamous
outlaw Jesse James was terrorizing Missouri.

His comments are recounted in the 12-volume Debates of the
Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1875, which lawyers
said appears to reflect no significant debate on the issue.

On May 25, 1875, the amendment was adopted without further
discussion of concealed weapons. A year earlier, the
Legislature had passed a law making them illegal anyway.
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 16:00:32 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
As I've told you several times, Sam, I finished my probation
under deferred adjudication and my plea was set aside, the case
was dismissed. I was never convicted of dwi.
Oh, but you were convicted of a DWI. That you recieved probation
required that you either be convicted by a jury/judge or plead guilty.
You've admitted to the later. You can lie about it all you want, but
YOU failed to take action until this year to have your record
Post by The Lone Weasel
You seem to think you can drag out an old dwi record and even
after I told you it was incorrect, post it anyway.
That's illegal under Texas law, as I showed you before. Now
that you've already libeled me repeatedly, I guess I have no
choice but to first notify your NSP, then your commanding
officer, and simply request that you stop this illegal
Have fun, kid. What I posted was the public record. You know it and
I know it...
Post by The Lone Weasel
That would be the reasonable thing to do, don't you think?
From: The Lone Weasel <***@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.misc
Subject: Johnny Johnson, aka TXJohn - Please Take Your Medication
Date: 3 Jul 2003 18:55:21 GMT
Lines: 163
Message-ID: <***@>
References: <***@posting.google.com>
<***@airmail.net> <***@corp.supernews.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 0-1pool0-34.nas11.dallas2.tx.us.da.qwest.net
X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1057258521 427185 (16 [167008])
User-Agent: Xnews/06.01.10
Post by The Lone Weasel
<big snip to get to the relative part>
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She assigned
the usual classes and probationary terms, and though I attended
all the classes I stupidly kept drinking and driving for years.

I'm ashamed that I behaved that way but I changed my behavior,
so I'm not ashamed of myself now.

Sorry about that, fellas.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-17 16:30:52 UTC
On 17 Nov 2003 15:54:05 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
As I've told you several times, Sam, I finished my
probation under deferred adjudication and my plea was set
aside, the case was dismissed. I was never convicted of
Oh, but you were convicted of a DWI.
You never bothered to check the corrected record.
That you recieved
probation required that you either be convicted by a
jury/judge or plead guilty.
No, when I completed my probation under deferred adjudication
my guilty plea was set aside and my case dismissed.

That was in 1980-81.
You've admitted to the later.
You can lie about it all you want, but YOU failed to take
action until this year to have your record expunged.
My record isn't expunged, Sam, just corrected.
Post by The Lone Weasel
You seem to think you can drag out an old dwi record and
even after I told you it was incorrect, post it anyway.
That's illegal under Texas law, as I showed you before.
Now that you've already libeled me repeatedly, I guess I
have no choice but to first notify your NSP, then your
commanding officer, and simply request that you stop this
illegal activity.
Have fun, kid. What I posted was the public record. You
know it and I know it...
Well, if that's the way you feel about it I'll send your post
along to Earthlink and let them know.


The end served.

The end of this work is to quiet disputes and avert
wrongdoing, that peace and justice may be preserved in the
realm. It must be set under ethics, moral science, as it
were, since it treats of customary principles of behaviour.

Bracton on the Laws and Customs of England
attributed to Henry of Bratton, c. 1210-1268. Volume II, 20.
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 16:38:30 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
On 17 Nov 2003 15:54:05 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
As I've told you several times, Sam, I finished my
probation under deferred adjudication and my plea was set
aside, the case was dismissed. I was never convicted of
Oh, but you were convicted of a DWI.
You never bothered to check the corrected record.
It wasn't corrected; it was expunged. You yourself have admitted you
pled guilty.
Post by The Lone Weasel
That you recieved
probation required that you either be convicted by a
jury/judge or plead guilty.
No, when I completed my probation under deferred adjudication
my guilty plea was set aside and my case dismissed.
That was in 1980-81.
You've admitted to the later.
You can lie about it all you want, but YOU failed to take
action until this year to have your record expunged.
My record isn't expunged, Sam, just corrected.
Post by The Lone Weasel
You seem to think you can drag out an old dwi record and
even after I told you it was incorrect, post it anyway.
That's illegal under Texas law, as I showed you before.
Now that you've already libeled me repeatedly, I guess I
have no choice but to first notify your NSP, then your
commanding officer, and simply request that you stop this
illegal activity.
Have fun, kid. What I posted was the public record. You
know it and I know it...
Well, if that's the way you feel about it I'll send your post
along to Earthlink and let them know.
Once again, this is what you yourself wrote:

Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.misc
Subject: Johnny Johnson, aka TXJohn - Please Take Your Medication
Date: 3 Jul 2003 18:55:21 GMT
Lines: 163
Message-ID: <***@>
References: <***@posting.google.com>
<***@airmail.net> <***@corp.supernews.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 0-1pool0-34.nas11.dallas2.tx.us.da.qwest.net
X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1057258521 427185 (16 [167008])
User-Agent: Xnews/06.01.10
Post by The Lone Weasel
<big snip to get to the relative part>
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She assigned
the usual classes and probationary terms, and though I attended
all the classes I stupidly kept drinking and driving for years.

I'm ashamed that I behaved that way but I changed my behavior,
so I'm not ashamed of myself now.

Sorry about that, fellas.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 17:46:24 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
You never bothered to check the corrected record.
Post by Sam Kersh
That you recieved
probation required that you either be convicted by a
jury/judge or plead guilty.
No, when I completed my probation under deferred adjudication
my guilty plea was set aside and my case dismissed.
This is what is in DPS' Criminal Conviction Records as I type:

Court Record # 2
Tracking Number Suffix *001
Tracking Incident
Final Pleading U Unreported or Unknown
NCIC Originating Agency TX212113J - SMITH CO CRT AT LAW #2
Cause Number 42,325-A
Court Disposition Date 05/28/1981
General Offense
Level of Offense M* - Misdemeanor (Class *)
Statute Citation NA
Date of Sentence 05/28/1981
Sentence Suspended
Suspended Fine
Court Confinement
Court Probation
Court Fine
Court Cost
Court Provision
Date of Appeal
Disposition of Offender during Appeal
Final Court Decision on Appealed Case
Agency Receiving Custody
Multiple Sentences Concurrent/Consecutive
Post by The Lone Weasel
What you seem not to be able to admit even to yourself is there was a
guilty conviction and probation with deferred adjudication applied.
This means that you were either convicted or plead guilty (that what
you've admitted to) and while on probation you were not caught
committing another crime.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-18 06:42:16 UTC
Post by Sam Kersh
Post by The Lone Weasel
You never bothered to check the corrected record.
Post by Sam Kersh
That you recieved
probation required that you either be convicted by a
jury/judge or plead guilty.
No, when I completed my probation under deferred adjudication
my guilty plea was set aside and my case dismissed.
There again, you lied about my record.

Where do you see the word "convicted" on that record?
Post by Sam Kersh
Court Record # 2
Tracking Number Suffix *001
Tracking Incident
Final Pleading U Unreported or Unknown
NCIC Originating Agency TX212113J - SMITH CO CRT AT LAW #2
Cause Number 42,325-A
Court Disposition Date 05/28/1981
General Offense
Level of Offense M* - Misdemeanor (Class *)
Statute Citation NA
Date of Sentence 05/28/1981
Sentence Suspended
Suspended Fine
Court Confinement
Court Probation
Court Fine
Court Cost
Court Provision
Date of Appeal
Disposition of Offender during Appeal
Final Court Decision on Appealed Case
Agency Receiving Custody
Multiple Sentences Concurrent/Consecutive
So you admit that you posted an incorrect dwi record dozens of times?
Post by Sam Kersh
What you seem not to be able to admit even to yourself is there was a
guilty conviction
"A guilty conviction"? What's that, Sammy? You know what deferred
adjudication is. I told you that's what I received. I told you I
completed my probation. Here you finally post the corrected record.

Where do you find the word "convicted" on that record?

You see:


You know what "dismissed" means, don't you?

You can understand what "finally disposing of the charge without trial
of the issues involved" means, can't you Sam?

You know it doesn't mean CONVICTED, don't you?

Here's the judicial ruling:


I admitted I broke the law, Sam. But like I told you, I wasn't
convicted because THE FINDING OF GUILT WAS SET ASIDE. You know what
that means - it means TO VACATE, TO DISMISS. And the case was

If the case was dismissed without trial of the issues invilved, what
do you think that means?

It means you libeled me, Sam. You've been posting that incorrect
record even after I told you I had it corrected, and where you could
get the corrected record. But you waited until now to get it, and you
still made false claims about it.

Do you want to apologize for that, Sam?


§ 73.001. Elements of Libel

A libel is a defamation expressed in written or other graphic form
tends to blacken the memory of the dead or that tends to injure a
person's reputation and thereby expose the person to public hatred,
contempt or ridicule, or financial injury or to impeach any person's
honesty, integrity, virtue, or reputation or to publish the natural
defects of anyone and thereby expose the person to public hatred,
ridicule, or financial injury.

Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 959, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1985.

§ 73.003. Mitigating Factors

(a) To determine the extent and source of actual damages and to
exemplary damages, the defendant in a libel action may give evidence
the following matters if they have been specially pleaded:

(1) all material facts and circumstances surrounding the claim for
damages and defenses to the claim;

(2) all facts and circumstances under which the libelous publication
made; and

(3) any public apology, correction, or retraction of the libelous
made and published by the defendant.

(b) To mitigate exemplary damages, the defendant in a libel action may
give evidence of the intention with which the libelous publication was
made if the matter has been specially pleaded.

Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 959, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1985.
Sam Kersh
2003-11-18 14:18:28 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
Post by The Lone Weasel
You never bothered to check the corrected record.
Post by Sam Kersh
That you recieved
probation required that you either be convicted by a
jury/judge or plead guilty.
No, when I completed my probation under deferred adjudication
my guilty plea was set aside and my case dismissed.
There again, you lied about my record.
Where do you see the word "convicted" on that record?
Post by Sam Kersh
Court Record # 2
Tracking Number Suffix *001
Tracking Incident
Final Pleading U Unreported or Unknown
NCIC Originating Agency TX212113J - SMITH CO CRT AT LAW #2
Cause Number 42,325-A
Court Disposition Date 05/28/1981
General Offense
Level of Offense M* - Misdemeanor (Class *)
Statute Citation NA
Date of Sentence 05/28/1981
Sentence Suspended
Suspended Fine
Court Confinement
Court Probation
Court Fine
Court Cost
Court Provision
Date of Appeal
Disposition of Offender during Appeal
Final Court Decision on Appealed Case
Agency Receiving Custody
Multiple Sentences Concurrent/Consecutive
So you admit that you posted an incorrect dwi record dozens of times?
Mo, welsher, I posted what you failed to have updated until this year.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
What you seem not to be able to admit even to yourself is there was a
guilty conviction
"A guilty conviction"? What's that, Sammy? You know what deferred
adjudication is. I told you that's what I received. I told you I
completed my probation. Here you finally post the corrected record.
Where do you find the word "convicted" on that record?

See it there in the judicial ruling, welsher? There was a GUILTY on
your record caused by your pleading guilty as you've admitted here.
Plug message ID
into a google search and you'll find your own admission to guilt.
Post by The Lone Weasel
You know what "dismissed" means, don't you?
You can understand what "finally disposing of the charge without trial
of the issues involved" means, can't you Sam?
You know it doesn't mean CONVICTED, don't you?
I admitted I broke the law, Sam. But like I told you, I wasn't
convicted because THE FINDING OF GUILT WAS SET ASIDE. You know what
that means - it means TO VACATE, TO DISMISS. And the case was
On the contrary, welsher, you plead guilty, was assigned probation
with deferred adjudication and, until this year, the guilty stood on
your record. The current DPS file so indicates that. You lies don't
change that.
Post by The Lone Weasel
If the case was dismissed without trial of the issues invilved, what
do you think that means?
It means you libeled me, Sam. You've been posting that incorrect
record even after I told you I had it corrected, and where you could
get the corrected record. But you waited until now to get it, and you
still made false claims about it.
Do you want to apologize for that, Sam?
§ 73.001. Elements of Libel
I didn't lie, I posted DPS records AND your own PUBLIC admission you
pled guilty. Get over it, welsher.

As to your "character" being damaged, you did that years ago when you
posted the following:


[begin repost]

From: Lee Harrison <***@amaonline.com>
Subject: Re: "Dr." Tom Selleck: Rosie Fires K-Mart
Date: 2000/04/22
Message-ID: <B526D4D7.23663%***@amaonline.com>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
On Fri, 21 Apr 2000 14:55:12 -0600, Lee Harrison
Post by The Lone Weasel
Muppet the NRA's shoeshining ass-sucking puppet boy at
Post by Sam Kersh
"It was a rumor and now I know it wasn't true. That
makes you a liar." Either way, it makes you a liar.
No typo, dicksucker. This happened last November. You
posted a rumor from
Yes, Chrissy, "dicksucker." It's a term of disapprobation,
and is used figuratively, not literally.

But you know that. You'd just like to peg me as some kind of
bigot or racist. Okay Chrissy, you cock-sucking
saucer-lipped booger-eating monkey-fucking nigger, I hereby
announce that I can say any word and your cynical
manipulation of my expression won't ever make me a racist or
a bigot. I don't give a fuck.

Take a flying fucking leap, dumbass.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
Are you saying he's a homosexual?
Are you saying anybody who sucks dicks is a homosexual?
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
If he is, would that make him a BAD person?
That would depend on whether he kept the same shitsucking
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
If so, does it make Barney Frank a bad person too?
Frank is one of the brightest and most honorable men in
congress, and I admire him without qualification. I always

I bet you're the one that hates him, aren't you?
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
By the way, I've read quotes of representative Frank
questioning the wisdom of gun control, in case that makes
a difference.
Post them, asshole.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Sam Kersh
Just wondering.
No, you just wanted to piss me off and you succeeded. Fuck
you very much.

[end repost]

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"For the great war, the epic war, that war that
saved the nation and humanity itself to be just
ancient history to today's youngsters is a tragedy -
but trying to rewrite it to prove ourselves guilty
is a crime."

David Nevin
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-18 15:37:33 UTC
Post by Sam Kersh
Post by The Lone Weasel
On 17 Nov 2003 16:30:52 GMT, The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
You never bothered to check the corrected record.
Post by Sam Kersh
That you recieved
probation required that you either be convicted by a
jury/judge or plead guilty.
No, when I completed my probation under deferred
adjudication my guilty plea was set aside and my case
This is what is in DPS' Criminal Conviction Records as I
There again, you lied about my record.
Where do you see the word "convicted" on that record?
Court Record # 2
Tracking Number Suffix *001
Tracking Incident
Final Pleading U Unreported or Unknown
NCIC Originating Agency TX212113J - SMITH CO CRT AT LAW
#2 Cause Number 42,325-A
Court Disposition Date 05/28/1981
ISSUES INVOLVED. General Offense
Level of Offense M* - Misdemeanor (Class *)
Statute Citation NA
Date of Sentence 05/28/1981
Sentence Suspended
Suspended Fine
Court Confinement
Court Probation
Court Fine
Court Cost
Court Provision
Date of Appeal
Disposition of Offender during Appeal
Final Court Decision on Appealed Case
Agency Receiving Custody
Multiple Sentences Concurrent/Consecutive
So you admit that you posted an incorrect dwi record dozens
of times?
Mo, welsher, I posted what you failed to have updated until
this year.
Post by The Lone Weasel
What you seem not to be able to admit even to yourself is
there was a guilty conviction
"A guilty conviction"? What's that, Sammy? You know what
deferred adjudication is. I told you that's what I
received. I told you I completed my probation. Here you
finally post the corrected record.
Where do you find the word "convicted" on that record?
See it there in the judicial ruling, welsher? There was a
GUILTY on your record caused by your pleading guilty as
you've admitted here.
You've just admitted again that you knowingly and willingly
posted an incorrect record.

Your attempt to avoid responsibility by pretending you don't
understand deferred ajudication, just makes you look bad.

You proudly post all these references to a successful
military career, as well you should. Anybody who can reach
the level of command master sergeant should be able to
understand the facts when they're explained to him several

I guess you just lost the balls to admit your mistakes.

I'll just forward your post to Earthlink.



Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England:

Of the NATURE of LAWS in general.

§. 2.

2. IF words happen to be ftill dubious, we may eftablifh
their meaning from the context; with which it may be of
fingular ufe to compare a word, or a fentence, whenever they
are ambiguous, equivocal, or intricate. Thus the proeme, or
preamble, is often called in to help the conftruction of an
act of parliament. Of the fame nature and ufe is the
comparifon of a law with other laws, that are made by the
fame legiflator, that have fome affinity with the fubject,
or that expreffly relate to the fame point. Thus, when the
law of England declares murder to be felony without benefit
of clergy, we muft refort to the fame law of England to
learn what the benefit of clergy is: and, when the common
law cenfures fimoniacal contracts, it affords great light to
the fubject to confider what the canon law has adjudged to
be fimony.
Sam Kersh
2003-11-18 20:09:37 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
I'll just forward your post to Earthlink.
And they're learn what we already know, you can't handle the truth
especially about yourself.

From: The Lone Weasel <***@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,talk.politics.misc
Subject: Johnny Johnson, aka TXJohn - Please Take Your Medication
Date: 3 Jul 2003 18:55:21 GMT
Lines: 163
Message-ID: <***@>
References: <***@posting.google.com>
<***@airmail.net> <***@corp.supernews.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 0-1pool0-34.nas11.dallas2.tx.us.da.qwest.net
X-Trace: fu-berlin.de 1057258521 427185 (16 [167008])
User-Agent: Xnews/06.01.10
Post by The Lone Weasel
<big snip to get to the relative part>
When the judge asked I just admitted my guilt. She assigned
the usual classes and probationary terms, and though I attended
all the classes I stupidly kept drinking and driving for years.

I'm ashamed that I behaved that way but I changed my behavior,
so I'm not ashamed of myself now.

Sorry about that, fellas.
Post by The Lone Weasel
See where you admit you pled quitly or as you put it, "When the judge
asked I just admitted my guilt...." And as shown, the guilty plea was
lifted because you weren't caught during your probationary period even
though you admit you didn't quit drinking and driving "for years."

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"For the great war, the epic war, that war that
saved the nation and humanity itself to be just
ancient history to today's youngsters is a tragedy -
but trying to rewrite it to prove ourselves guilty
is a crime."

David Nevin
2003-11-17 21:18:19 UTC
groups.msn.com/cripplecreek... here are my pics of my signs.
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 22:00:42 UTC
groups.msn.com/cripplecreek... here are my pics of my signs.
Robert, the weasel isn't very bright. He needs you to hold his hand
and give him this


Then he might take the time to look before he whines somemore.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
2003-11-17 02:01:11 UTC
can you read? first, i have made no lewd comments here, or on any
post. second, i have far from backed down, the signs are on the street
and posted every 20 yds around the property, are clearly visible, and
are of sufficient size.24"x 24"? if i recall.but, your attempt to
twist this in your post shows us all your true colors. also sir, do
you have other language in your vocabulary to use besides vulgarities?
it would aid in concealing a bit of your ignorance.
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-17 02:13:14 UTC
can you read? first, i have made no lewd comments here, or
on any post. second, i have far from backed down, the signs
are on the street and posted every 20 yds around the
property, are clearly visible, and are of sufficient
size.24"x 24"?
Where's your pictures, O'Really?
if i recall.but, your attempt to twist this
in your post shows us all your true colors.
Twist what? Your claims to have all these signs up have not
been supported with any evidence.
also sir, do
you have other language in your vocabulary to use besides
Maybe not.
it would aid in concealing a bit of your
Let's see them signs, O'Really. You'll also have to include
the front page of a national newspaper, like USA Today or the
New York Times, to prove you took the picture recently, and
that they're your pics and not swiped from Google.

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.



Mr. Ricker said someone in the gun industry needed to speak
up about bad dealers because "we've got a bunch of right-wing
wackos at the N.R.A. controlling everything."

Left to their own, Mr. Ricker said, many industry executives
"would be more than willing to sit down and negotiate a
settlement" with the cities about weeding out unscrupulous

In his affidavit, Mr. Ricker also appeared to undercut
another of the gun makers' most common defenses: that because
they only sell to federally licensed dealers, they are fully
obeying the law and the rest of the job of enforcing the law
can be handled by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and

Mr. Ricker said in the affidavit that the idea that all
dealers operate legally because they have a license is a
"fiction." He added that "the firearms industry has long
known that A.T.F. is hampered" by its shortage of personnel
and loopholes in the gun laws. For example, he said, the
bureau can inspect a dealer only once a year as a result of a
law supported by the rifle association.

Gun Industry Ex-Official Describes Bond of Silence
New York Times, February 4, 2003
2003-11-17 20:52:44 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Where's your pictures, O'Really?

the name is O'Reilly, but thats ok if the best you can do is mis-spell
my name, doesn't bother me. the pictures were posted, as i said they
would be, today.where's yours? i already see your pathetic attempt to
change the rules when you see you just may be called. at any rate,
here they are.

Post by The Lone Weasel
Let's see them signs, O'Really. You'll also have to include
the front page of a national newspaper, like USA Today or the
New York Times, to prove you took the picture recently, and
that they're your pics and not swiped from Google.
Sam Kersh
2003-11-17 21:05:05 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Where's your pictures, O'Really?
the name is O'Reilly, but thats ok if the best you can do is mis-spell
my name, doesn't bother me. the pictures were posted, as i said they
would be, today.where's yours? i already see your pathetic attempt to
change the rules when you see you just may be called. at any rate,
here they are.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Let's see them signs, O'Really. You'll also have to include
the front page of a national newspaper, like USA Today or the
New York Times, to prove you took the picture recently, and
that they're your pics and not swiped from Google.
No one here expected the weasel to post any pictures. He welched on a
bet with Steve Rothstein earlier this year. Shows you what you're
dealing with.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-17 21:48:31 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Where's your pictures, O'Really?
Oh, I see. This sign says nothing about having guns in your
house, does it Mr. O'Really?

And because it's way out in the woods, there's very little
chance that home invaders would see it and bust into your

Pussy willow.
the name is O'Reilly,
Oh really?
but thats ok if the best you can do
is mis-spell my name, doesn't bother me.
the pictures were
posted, as i said they would be, today.
These pictures were posted by TWIZTEDPUPPY, dumbass.
where's yours?
Where's yours? I don't see any pictures by any O'Really
loon. You just snagged these pictures then claimed they're
yours without any verifiable proof.

Anyway, I already told you you're disqualified because these
signs don't say anything about having guns in your house and
you live out in the woods where home invaders are unlikely to
see them anyway.

already see your pathetic attempt to change the rules when
you see you just may be called. at any rate, here they are.
You violated the rules that say you have to draw attention to
guns in your house, not shooting ranges dumbass, and the
signs are placed where they're very unlikely to be seen by
hundreds of passing persons each day.

You can play with your squirrel now, Mr. O'Really...

I'm THROUGH with you!

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Let's see them signs, O'Really. You'll also have to
include the front page of a national newspaper, like USA
Today or the New York Times, to prove you took the picture
recently, and that they're your pics and not swiped from
And you also failed to provide a newspaper so we could verify
the date. Typical gunloon bullshit.




Lott argues that wealthy criminals should be able to purchase
legal representation that will allow them to escape
conviction despite their guilt. Lott writes, "Preventing
wealthy people from influencing the opinion of the court in
their favor will lead to expected punishments that are too
large for the wealthy...." Furthermore, Lott argues that
"allowing wealthy people to do what on first glance may seem
like 'subverting' the legal system can be efficient." Lott
contends that a certain amount of crime is actually good for
society. In Lott's view, the benefit of a crime to a criminal
can outweigh the harm that a crime inflicts on society. Such
crimes, according to Lott, should not be prevented. Or, as
Lott puts it, "[A] nation's wealth [is maximized] if a crime
is not deterred when the benefit to the criminal of a
particular crime is greater than the total social cost of
that crime."

---"Should the Wealthy Be Able to Buy Justice?" Journal of
Political Economy, Vol. 95, no. 6, December 1987:163-175.

2003-11-18 18:27:24 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
Where's your pictures, O'Really?
Oh, I see. This sign says nothing about having guns in your
house, does it Mr. O'Really?
And because it's way out in the woods, there's very little
chance that home invaders would see it and bust into your
Pussy willow.
the name is O'Reilly,
Oh really?
but thats ok if the best you can do
is mis-spell my name, doesn't bother me.
the pictures were
posted, as i said they would be, today.
These pictures were posted by TWIZTEDPUPPY, dumbass.
where's yours?
hey dumbass, check who twiztedpuppy is...oh to my surprize! it is
Post by The Lone Weasel
Where's yours? I don't see any pictures by any O'Really
loon. You just snagged these pictures then claimed they're
yours without any verifiable proof.
check it ...you just put your foot in your mouth again
Post by The Lone Weasel
Anyway, I already told you you're disqualified because these
signs don't say anything about having guns in your house and
you live out in the woods where home invaders are unlikely to
see them anyway.
already see your pathetic attempt to change the rules when
you see you just may be called. at any rate, here they are.
You violated the rules that say you have to draw attention to
guns in your house, not shooting ranges dumbass, and the
signs are placed where they're very unlikely to be seen by
hundreds of passing persons each day.
You can play with your squirrel now, Mr. O'Really...
I'm THROUGH with you!
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Let's see them signs, O'Really. You'll also have to
include the front page of a national newspaper, like USA
Today or the New York Times, to prove you took the picture
recently, and that they're your pics and not swiped from
And you also failed to provide a newspaper so we could verify
the date. Typical gunloon bullshit.
you added that after YOU LOST!!!
Post by The Lone Weasel
Lott argues that wealthy criminals should be able to purchase
legal representation that will allow them to escape
conviction despite their guilt. Lott writes, "Preventing
wealthy people from influencing the opinion of the court in
their favor will lead to expected punishments that are too
large for the wealthy...." Furthermore, Lott argues that
"allowing wealthy people to do what on first glance may seem
like 'subverting' the legal system can be efficient." Lott
contends that a certain amount of crime is actually good for
society. In Lott's view, the benefit of a crime to a criminal
can outweigh the harm that a crime inflicts on society. Such
crimes, according to Lott, should not be prevented. Or, as
Lott puts it, "[A] nation's wealth [is maximized] if a crime
is not deterred when the benefit to the criminal of a
particular crime is greater than the total social cost of
that crime."
---"Should the Wealthy Be Able to Buy Justice?" Journal of
Political Economy, Vol. 95, no. 6, December 1987:163-175.
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-18 19:41:00 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by The Lone Weasel
Where's your pictures, O'Really?
Oh, I see. This sign says nothing about having guns in
your house, does it Mr. O'Really?
And because it's way out in the woods, there's very little
chance that home invaders would see it and bust into your
Pussy willow.
the name is O'Reilly,
Oh really?
but thats ok if the best you can do
is mis-spell my name, doesn't bother me.
the pictures were
posted, as i said they would be, today.
These pictures were posted by TWIZTEDPUPPY, dumbass.
where's yours?
hey dumbass, check who twiztedpuppy is...oh to my surprize!
A Google Groups search for the name "TWIZTEDPUPPY" shows that
the word only appears once - in my post, above.

I have MSN stuff disabled on my computer, so I wasn't
interested in joining your stupid M$ website.

And you're so dumb you can't even verify the pictures, either
by date, location, or your personal involvement.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Where's yours? I don't see any pictures by any O'Really
loon. You just snagged these pictures then claimed
they're yours without any verifiable proof.
check it ...you just put your foot in your mouth again
Prove it yourself, Pussy O'Really.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Anyway, I already told you you're disqualified because
these signs don't say anything about having guns in your
house and you live out in the woods where home invaders
are unlikely to see them anyway.
already see your pathetic attempt to change the rules
when you see you just may be called. at any rate, here
they are.
You violated the rules that say you have to draw attention
to guns in your house, not shooting ranges dumbass, and
the signs are placed where they're very unlikely to be
seen by hundreds of passing persons each day.
You can play with your squirrel now, Mr. O'Really...
I'm THROUGH with you!
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Let's see them signs, O'Really. You'll also have to
include the front page of a national newspaper, like
USA Today or the New York Times, to prove you took the
picture recently, and that they're your pics and not
swiped from Google.
And you also failed to provide a newspaper so we could
verify the date. Typical gunloon bullshit.
you added that after YOU LOST!!!
You live way out in the woods; even so, you put the signs out
in the woods, not close to your home; your signs say nothing
about having guns inside the house and describing the guns;
you can't verify the pictures, and now you're crying like a
little baby because you completely failed every test that
showed much confidence you have that your guns make you safe,
Pussy O'Really.

Another loon crashes into the pavement...



A well informed public being necessary to the security of a
free state, the right of the Lone Weasel to kick rightwing
ass shall not be infringed.

2003-11-19 01:38:47 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
I have MSN stuff disabled on my computer, so I wasn't
interested in joining your stupid M$ website.
interest or not, you could not join if you did want... i have a no
asshole clause in my creedo. besides, you were brobably banned from
Post by The Lone Weasel
you can't verify the pictures, and now you're crying like a
little baby because you completely failed every test that
showed much confidence you have that your guns make you safe,
Pussy O'Really.
never said guns make you safe... guns are for fun..like hot rods and
toying with you

you are the only one crying- i am just rubbing salt in your wounds

where are your pictures dipshit? why don't you crawl under a rock till
you learn how to keep your end of a deal?

what part of texas are you in? i want to check the suicide rate... bet
its high!
2003-11-17 21:30:35 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Twist what? Your claims to have all these signs up have not
been supported with any evidence.
Let's see them signs, O'Really. You'll also have to include
the front page of a national newspaper, like USA Today or the
New York Times, to prove you took the picture recently, and
that they're your pics and not swiped from Google.
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.

here they are. i will be offshore for the next couple days, so you got
time to get yours in place. though we see by your comments already
this will not happen.

2003-11-14 14:38:52 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction with the "gun
free" signs. this is due to the lack of mentality of the anti gun
crowd.the consensus is if they do not have the sense to arm themselves
and think for themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't worry you
shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too if the need arises.
Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my fence facing the
street if you'll put a sign up on your fence or in your yard visible
I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY HOUSE! COME'N
I base the language of these signs on your claim that guns makes us
safe, while not having guns means that armed robbers could bust into
our houses ay virtually any time and kill us "shepple" who don't have
guns. So the extra taunting on your sign should make you safer, while
just telling everybody I don't have guns will probably get me killed
in a few hours. I think that's fair, don't you?
For this dare, I'll have to see a picture of your sign in the yard,
then I'll post a picture of my sign. First guy that takes down the
sign or makes it less visible is a pussy.
I've made this dare to lots of gunloons and none of them had the balls
to go through with it.
Remember - you have to draw attention to the fact that you have guns,
you have to describe a few of your favorite guns, and then dare
everybody to come take your guns. You'll be perfectly safe according
to your own claims.
I'll probably be dead before the sun goes down, once my murderous
neighbors realize I don't have a gun anymore, just an aluminum
baseball bat and a few pretty sharp butcher knives. Maybe I'll get
lucky and break a few skulls, gut a few beer bellies, but just like
Texicans at the Alamo I will be doomed.
How about it, Mr. O'Really?
The argument advanced against the constitutionality of this
law is, that any discrimination made by the legislature, in
punishing the abuse of this right, in regard to a particular
weapon, is an impairing of the right of its lawful use. That
proposition given a practical application, amounts to this,
that the legislature cannot affix any higher punishment to
an unlawful assault with one of the dangerous weapons, which
it is lawful to carry, than with any other; because the
effect of such discrimination against the unlawful use of
such weapon would discourage the lawful use of it, and
therefore the carrying of it. This proposition can hardly be
maintained; for admitting that two persons make each an
assault with like vicious intent, though with different
weapons, one with a weapon not likely to produce death, but
which is capable of it, and sometimes does it; and the other
with a weapon so destructive in its character as to be
almost certain to produce death, when used offensively; the
act of the one, who has the more dangerous instrument, is
much more likely to be seriously injurious to other people,
than the act of the other, though the intent is the same in
doing the acts. Now if the legislature can make no
distinction in the punishment of the two cases supposed, it
is forced to base its punishment upon the degree of evil
intent, in total disregard of the means needed to carry out
that intent, and of the probable injurious results of the
Cockrum v. State, 24 Texas 394 (1859)
would signs posted around the perimiter stating "SHOOTING AREA-
already in place. see, i have a 300 yd range in my back yard and have
had these posted for some time to warn hunters not to cut accross the
line. the fence did not always stop them, though the signs seem to
work. i will have to get a digital camera but will post soon as i do
and notify you, or do you want a personal e-mail? so get painting sir,
and lets exchange addresses so we can check who the pussy is if ever
in each others neck of the woods. i stand behind my words and am way
ahead of you on this. you jumped the wrong fellow this time buddy, so
put your sign where your mouth is.
2003-11-15 15:38:05 UTC
to all ya'll who will follow this "challenge", thanks for the support.
i usually just read this group, and keep my keyboard to myself, but in
this given situation, having range signs in place around a 100 yd
private range,(soon to expand to 300yd...can't wait!), i could not
pass the oppurtunity to put mr weasel in the spotlight. though we all
know he will do 1 of 2 things...(1) he will withdraw and comment cease
on the situation realizing my needs to have these signs in place
(safety being the greater) OR (2) he will continue, post a sign, and
immediately remove it as he has no scruples. either way, my signs will
remain, as a 1600 acre hunting lease surrounds me, and i don't want
the members cutting accross my property in the range area. either way,
the signs in place will have to suffice, as i WILL NOT put out the
money to have a sign made touting the ignorant, taunting "literature"
mr. weasel wishes to see. the signs make it clear firearms are present
and utilized on the premises. they are in clear view of the road and
the perimiter of the property. the only criteria they do not meet is
his desired inventory, which changes from time to time anyway, and the
rude jeers, in which this "style" of verse is of my demeanor. again,
thanks for the support, and will be posting and e-mailing pictures
sunday night or monday morning as my daughter will come home and i
will have a camera available.
Jim Nicholson
2003-11-15 15:49:41 UTC
to all ya'll who will follow this "challenge", thanks for the support.
i usually just read this group, and keep my keyboard to myself, but in
this given situation, having range signs in place around a 100 yd
private range,(soon to expand to 300yd...can't wait!), i could not
pass the oppurtunity to put mr weasel in the spotlight. though we all
know he will do 1 of 2 things...(1) he will withdraw and comment cease
on the situation realizing my needs to have these signs in place
(safety being the greater) OR (2) he will continue, post a sign, and
immediately remove it as he has no scruples. either way, my signs will
remain, as a 1600 acre hunting lease surrounds me, and i don't want
the members cutting accross my property in the range area. either way,
the signs in place will have to suffice, as i WILL NOT put out the
money to have a sign made touting the ignorant, taunting "literature"
mr. weasel wishes to see. the signs make it clear firearms are present
and utilized on the premises. they are in clear view of the road and
the perimiter of the property. the only criteria they do not meet is
his desired inventory, which changes from time to time anyway, and the
rude jeers, in which this "style" of verse is of my demeanor. again,
thanks for the support, and will be posting and e-mailing pictures
sunday night or monday morning as my daughter will come home and i
will have a camera available.
Robert, you are wasting far too much effort on a spineless weasel. Contrary to
the species, this one is not even fun to play with.
2003-11-17 21:34:12 UTC
Post by Jim Nicholson
to all ya'll who will follow this "challenge", thanks for the support.
i usually just read this group, and keep my keyboard to myself, but in
this given situation, having range signs in place around a 100 yd
private range,(soon to expand to 300yd...can't wait!), i could not
pass the oppurtunity to put mr weasel in the spotlight. though we all
know he will do 1 of 2 things...(1) he will withdraw and comment cease
on the situation realizing my needs to have these signs in place
(safety being the greater) OR (2) he will continue, post a sign, and
immediately remove it as he has no scruples. either way, my signs will
remain, as a 1600 acre hunting lease surrounds me, and i don't want
the members cutting accross my property in the range area. either way,
the signs in place will have to suffice, as i WILL NOT put out the
money to have a sign made touting the ignorant, taunting "literature"
mr. weasel wishes to see. the signs make it clear firearms are present
and utilized on the premises. they are in clear view of the road and
the perimiter of the property. the only criteria they do not meet is
his desired inventory, which changes from time to time anyway, and the
rude jeers, in which this "style" of verse is of my demeanor. again,
thanks for the support, and will be posting and e-mailing pictures
sunday night or monday morning as my daughter will come home and i
will have a camera available.
Robert, you are wasting far too much effort on a spineless weasel. Contrary to
the species, this one is not even fun to play with.
i hear ya! just couldn't pass this one up. no effort in takeing a pic
and posting it, the sign has been there for about a year now, and will
remain until the dreaded day comes when it develops around me.

The Lone Weasel
2003-11-17 16:18:40 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes
were still selling "Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction
with the "gun free" signs. this is due to the lack of
mentality of the anti gun crowd.the consensus is if they
do not have the sense to arm themselves and think for
themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed.
don't worry you shepple, we armed citizens will protect
you too if the need arises.
Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my
fence facing the street if you'll put a sign up on your
I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY
I base the language of these signs on your claim that guns
makes us safe, while not having guns means that armed
robbers could bust into our houses ay virtually any time
and kill us "shepple" who don't have guns. So the extra
taunting on your sign should make you safer, while just
telling everybody I don't have guns will probably get me
killed in a few hours. I think that's fair, don't you?
For this dare, I'll have to see a picture of your sign in
the yard, then I'll post a picture of my sign. First guy
that takes down the sign or makes it less visible is a
I've made this dare to lots of gunloons and none of them
had the balls to go through with it.
Remember - you have to draw attention to the fact that you
have guns, you have to describe a few of your favorite
guns, and then dare everybody to come take your guns.
You'll be perfectly safe according to your own claims.
I'll probably be dead before the sun goes down, once my
murderous neighbors realize I don't have a gun anymore,
just an aluminum baseball bat and a few pretty sharp
butcher knives. Maybe I'll get lucky and break a few
skulls, gut a few beer bellies, but just like Texicans at
the Alamo I will be doomed.
How about it, Mr. O'Really?
would signs posted around the perimiter stating "SHOOTING
SUFFICE,WEASEL? these are already in place. see, i have a
300 yd range in my back yard and have had these posted for
some time to warn hunters not to cut accross the line. the
OIC, you must live way out in the country on a dirt road with
hardly any people to read your signs.

I'm sorry, Mr. O'Really, I live in town so my signs would be
seen by lots of people, some of them possibly criminals.
Your location wouldn't provide an equitable risk compared to
my crime drenched neighborhood filled with armed home
invaders eager to kill me for my new hotplate, which is a
dandy hotplate.
fence did not always stop them, though the signs seem to
work. i will have to get a digital camera but will post
soon as i do and notify you, or do you want a personal
e-mail? so get painting sir, and lets exchange addresses so
we can check who the pussy is if ever in each others neck
of the woods. i stand behind my words and am way ahead of
I guess you're the wood pussy, Mr. O'Really.

Other gunloons living remote places are excused from this
you on this. you jumped the wrong fellow this time buddy,
so put your sign where your mouth is.
I found a wood pussy, Mr. O'Really. You're so right.

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.


Some of the findings in the Donohue/Ayres study are
especially striking. The biggest decrease in the murder
rate, for instance, occurred in non-carry states. And while
one would assume that robbery rates would be most affected
by concealed-carry laws if guns really did have a deterrent
effect, Donohue and Ayres found that the biggest decline in
robberies also occurred in the non-carry states.

Their larger article in the Stanford Law Review is scheduled
for the December issue, the same month when the smaller one
written by Donohue for the Brookings Institution book will
appear. Donohue says he knows he's striking at a basic
article of faith of a notoriously powerful special interest.
But he says he's confident that the research is solid. "I
feel like this paper will be the final word at least until
many more years of data come in," he said. "It buries the
`more guns, less crime' hypothesis. I never believed John
Lott, and now I don't think anyone else will."

The Donohue article, meanwhile, isn't the only one to
address the issue of guns and self-defense in the Brookings
book. Another, co-authored by the two co-editors, Duke
University professor Philip Cook and Georgetown University
associate professor Jens Ludwig, examines the value of guns
as burglary deterrent. Their findings are at least as
surprising as those of Donohue and Ayres. Examining data
from the National Crime Victimization Survey and the FBI's
Uniform Crime Reports, Cook and Ludwig found that gun
ownership actually increases the likelihood that a home will
be burglarized. A 10-percent increase in a county's gun-
ownership rate results in a 3- to 7-percent increase in the
likelihood that a home in that county will be burglarized,
the authors found.

"One possible reason why the risk of burglary increases with
gun prevalence is that guns are valuable loot," they wrote.
"Providing some support for this theory is the fact that in
14 percent of the burglaries ... in which a gun was stolen,
it was the only item stolen."

At a time when Americans once again seem to be turning their
attention to the ongoing problem of gun violence in the
U.S., the opportunities for re-examination of the nation's
gun laws being provided by these research efforts are well-

New Research 'Shoots Down' Concealed-Carry Claims by Dick

2003-11-14 14:41:11 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
Post by Webzpider
I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
"Gun Free" yard signs.
Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction with the "gun
free" signs. this is due to the lack of mentality of the anti gun
crowd.the consensus is if they do not have the sense to arm themselves
and think for themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't worry you
shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too if the need arises.
Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my fence facing the
street if you'll put a sign up on your fence or in your yard visible
I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY HOUSE! COME'N
I base the language of these signs on your claim that guns makes us
safe, while not having guns means that armed robbers could bust into
our houses ay virtually any time and kill us "shepple" who don't have
guns. So the extra taunting on your sign should make you safer, while
just telling everybody I don't have guns will probably get me killed
in a few hours. I think that's fair, don't you?
For this dare, I'll have to see a picture of your sign in the yard,
then I'll post a picture of my sign. First guy that takes down the
sign or makes it less visible is a pussy.
I've made this dare to lots of gunloons and none of them had the balls
to go through with it.
Remember - you have to draw attention to the fact that you have guns,
you have to describe a few of your favorite guns, and then dare
everybody to come take your guns. You'll be perfectly safe according
to your own claims.
I'll probably be dead before the sun goes down, once my murderous
neighbors realize I don't have a gun anymore, just an aluminum
baseball bat and a few pretty sharp butcher knives. Maybe I'll get
lucky and break a few skulls, gut a few beer bellies, but just like
Texicans at the Alamo I will be doomed.
How about it, Mr. O'Really?
The argument advanced against the constitutionality of this
law is, that any discrimination made by the legislature, in
punishing the abuse of this right, in regard to a particular
weapon, is an impairing of the right of its lawful use. That
proposition given a practical application, amounts to this,
that the legislature cannot affix any higher punishment to
an unlawful assault with one of the dangerous weapons, which
it is lawful to carry, than with any other; because the
effect of such discrimination against the unlawful use of
such weapon would discourage the lawful use of it, and
therefore the carrying of it. This proposition can hardly be
maintained; for admitting that two persons make each an
assault with like vicious intent, though with different
weapons, one with a weapon not likely to produce death, but
which is capable of it, and sometimes does it; and the other
with a weapon so destructive in its character as to be
almost certain to produce death, when used offensively; the
act of the one, who has the more dangerous instrument, is
much more likely to be seriously injurious to other people,
than the act of the other, though the intent is the same in
doing the acts. Now if the legislature can make no
distinction in the punishment of the two cases supposed, it
is forced to base its punishment upon the degree of evil
intent, in total disregard of the means needed to carry out
that intent, and of the probable injurious results of the
Cockrum v. State, 24 Texas 394 (1859)
also, i want the BRAIN FREE sign to accompany it just for kicks.
2003-11-18 01:02:11 UTC
we see who the wuss is here, weasel. you showed your colors- and as i
said- want to change the game to get out of putting up a sign. locale
was not an issue before, but now you see i wasn't bluffing, you backed
out. WHAT A LOOSER!!! BTW, if you want to hollar profanities, why
don't we meet? what am i i thinking, you would wuss out of that too!
well, guess i am done with you, lone wuss, as my signs are flying and
yours are...well you don't even have any! ha! see ya'll in a few days
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-18 01:23:33 UTC
we see who the wuss is here, weasel. you showed your
colors- and as i said- want to change the game to get out
of putting up a sign.
No, I just want equitable risk. Your signs are out in the
woods someplace, mine would be seen by hundreds of people a
day. You have all the guns and you're still afraid to tell
anybody. No wonder you guys wanta carry guns secretly.

Your signs - if they are your signs - don't say anything
about guns in your house. They're nowhere near your house.
Mine would be on the fence around my yard.

You lose, Pussy.
locale was not an issue before, but
We covered that about a year ago. We all agreed that only a
cowardly pussy would post his signs out in the woods, and
damn if you didn't prove it...

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.


A well informed public being necessary to the security of a
free state, the right of the Lone Weasel to kick rightwing
ass shall not be infringed.

Sam Kersh
2003-11-18 01:50:58 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
No, I just want equitable risk. Your signs are out in the
woods someplace, mine would be seen by hundreds of people a
day. You have all the guns and you're still afraid to tell
anybody. No wonder you guys wanta carry guns secretly.
And the weasel welches once again... to no ones surprise.

Sam A. Kersh
NRA Endowment Member
L.E.A.A. Life Member
TSRA Life Member

"Pay attention, numb-nuts: It doesn't matter
what the Constitution says,.."


Newsgroups: tx.guns
Subject: Re: [OT] Linda Tripp get half-million
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:44:45 -0600
Message-ID: <zb2dnRoYqo6mHTWiU-***@giganews.com>
2003-11-18 08:47:06 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
we see who the wuss is here, weasel. you showed your
colors- and as i said- want to change the game to get out
of putting up a sign.
No, I just want equitable risk.
equitable risk? i do not see risk in posting a sign

Your signs are out in the
Post by The Lone Weasel
woods someplace,
not someplace, in front of my house as the challenge you made stated
they should be

mine would be seen by hundreds of people a
Post by The Lone Weasel
so you live in a developed neighborhood? poor neighbors! bet the
suicide rate is high in that part of texas

You have all the guns and you're still afraid to tell
Post by The Lone Weasel
not afraid at all

No wonder you guys wanta carry guns secretly.

don't have and will never have CCW...no need for one,shooting is a
sport to me. heck, the only handgun i have is a .22 for snakes while
walking about on the property.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Your signs - if they are your signs
yep, they're mine

- don't say anything
Post by The Lone Weasel
about guns in your house.
range on premises... what good is the range w/o guns? they are here

They're nowhere near your house.

look closer..the house is in site by the car
Post by The Lone Weasel
Mine would be on the fence around my yard.
they are there also... they surround the property(appx 2000 ft square)
Post by The Lone Weasel
You lose, Pussy.
locale was not an issue before, but
We covered that about a year ago.
i wasn't here a year ago, and we , as in you and i or anyone else on
this thread.. mentioned locale as a factor

We all agreed that only a
Post by The Lone Weasel
cowardly pussy would post his signs out in the woods, and
damn if you didn't prove it...
the signs are posted... where are yours?

you loose hands down... you did not keep your word... you are a
welcher...you probably don't even own a house,much less a fence...it
is no wonder you are alone...i bet you are some snot nosed little punk
still at mommas house without a life at all.

well, i have had all the fun i want to with you, so this will be my
last post on this matter for a while... i could sit here and pick you
apart time and time again, but you have such a low mentality (don't
deny it, your posts make it clear)that it would be like picking on a
child. though i must admit, these last couple days have been fun
letting you once more show us your ignorance.well now that you are
bare to the world, i shall leave you hung out to dry every time we
Post by The Lone Weasel
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
A well informed public being necessary to the security of a
free state, the right of the Lone Weasel to kick rightwing
ass shall not be infringed.
though this time you kicked your own ass and don't realize it
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-18 16:26:25 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
we see who the wuss is here, weasel. you showed your
colors- and as i said- want to change the game to get
out of putting up a sign.
No, I just want equitable risk.
equitable risk? i do not see risk in posting a sign
Not when you post it in the deep woods, eh Mr. O'Really?

Gunloon courage - hike into the woods and pull down on a

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
Your signs are out in the
Post by The Lone Weasel
woods someplace,
not someplace, in front of my house as the challenge you
made stated they should be
What house? We don't even know those were your pictures. We
don't even know if they were taken in this millenium.
mine would be seen by hundreds of people a
Post by The Lone Weasel
so you live in a developed neighborhood? poor neighbors!
bet the suicide rate is high in that part of texas
Among gunloons it is.
You have all the guns and you're still afraid to tell
Post by The Lone Weasel
not afraid at all
Booooooooock bockbockbockbockbockbockbock bockACK!
No wonder you guys wanta carry guns secretly.
don't have and will never have CCW...no need for
one,shooting is a sport to me. heck, the only handgun i
have is a .22 for snakes while walking about on the
You must get alot of snakes so close to the river. A .22
does a nasty job on people too, bouncing off bones through
vital organs. You probably didn't know that, eh Mr.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Your signs - if they are your signs
yep, they're mine
Looks like you expect us to accept the same unverifiable
horseshit you accept from the gunlobby. No thanks.
- don't say anything
Post by The Lone Weasel
about guns in your house.
range on premises... what good is the range w/o guns? they
are here
Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.

So, your GUNS IN HERE sign works by inference, rather than
direct language? I've seen some cowardly gunloon excuses but
that's pretty dang indirect, Mr. O'Really.

Them home invaders wouldn't know what to do.
They're nowhere near your house.
look closer..the house is in site by the car
Oh, I see - "look closer - the house is in site SIC"

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.
Post by The Lone Weasel
Mine would be on the fence around my yard.
they are there also... they surround the property(appx 2000
ft square)
I see. So you're afraid to put a sign that says you have
guns in your house, and you live way out in the country so
nobody would see them anyway.

I'm afraid that makes you a loser, Mr. Pussy O'Really...

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.


A well informed public being necessary to the security of a
free state, the right of the Lone Weasel to kick rightwing
ass shall not be infringed.

2003-11-19 01:49:54 UTC
ah lee, you must have been a seriously spoiled kid to lash out at the
world like you do. i am going to start the lee harrison charity
fund...aka send a looser a speeding semi through their house
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-19 14:56:26 UTC
ah lee, you must have been a seriously spoiled kid to lash out at the
world like you do. i am going to start the lee harrison charity
fund...aka send a looser a speeding semi through their house
You had your chance but failed miserably, Pussy O'Reilly. It's okay
to admit now that you're scared to death of anybody knowing where you
live and what guns you keep in the house. It's a rational fear. But
next time you gunloons get happy over your "gun free" sign fantasies,
just fantasize about putting up your own signs that say you have guns
in the house, describe some of the guns and list their cash values.
Even O'Really isn't crazy enough to tell anybody about his guns,
because he knows that's an open invitation to home invasion.


Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.


Examining data from the National Crime Victimization Survey and the
FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, Cook and Ludwig found that gun
ownership actually increases the likelihood that a home will be
burglarized. A 10-percent increase in a county's gun-ownership rate
results in a 3-to-7-percent increase in the likelihood that a home
in that county will be burglarized, the authors found.

"One possible reason why the risk of burglary increases with gun
prevalence is that guns are valuable loot," they wrote. "Providing
some support for this theory is the fact that in 14 percent of the
burglaries ... in which a gun was stolen, it was the only item

New Research 'Shoots Down' Concealed-Carry Claims by Dick Dahl

Little John
2003-11-19 20:37:15 UTC
On 19 Nov 2003 06:56:26 -0800, in a fit of unbridled digital verbosity, once
again proving the problem is located between the seat and the keyboard,
***@yahoo.com (The Lone Weasel) two-fingered to all:

|>***@msn.com (ROBERT O'REILLY) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
|>> ah lee, you must have been a seriously spoiled kid to lash out at the
|>> world like you do. i am going to start the lee harrison charity
|>> fund...aka send a looser a speeding semi through their house
|>> campaign.
|>You had your chance but failed miserably, Pussy O'Reilly. It's okay
|>to admit now that you're scared to death of anybody knowing where you
|>live and what guns you keep in the house. It's a rational fear. But

I've noticed you've studiously avoided answering my questions several times now.
Why is that?

|>next time you gunloons get happy over your "gun free" sign fantasies,
|>just fantasize about putting up your own signs that say you have guns
|>in the house, describe some of the guns and list their cash values.

That's about as intellegent as putting a sign out describing your computer, tv,
stereo, etc. Your whole argument is bullshit, and you know it.

What you're being asked to do is nothing more than if you were asked to put a
sign in the yard stating that your home is a smoke free zone. Declaring that
you don't have or do something is far from the opposite of declaring you do,
listing it, and giving the estimated value. Only a world class moron would
think it is.

|>Even O'Really isn't crazy enough to tell anybody about his guns,
|>because he knows that's an open invitation to home invasion.


|>Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.

It's good that you can laugh at your failures.


jammin1's Resources
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-19 21:00:58 UTC
Post by Little John
On 19 Nov 2003 06:56:26 -0800, in a fit of unbridled
digital verbosity, once again proving the problem is
located between the seat and the keyboard,
|>> ah lee, you must have been a seriously spoiled kid to
|>> lash out at the world like you do. i am going to start
|>> the lee harrison charity fund...aka send a looser a
|>> speeding semi through their house campaign.
|>You had your chance but failed miserably, Pussy O'Reilly.
|>It's okay to admit now that you're scared to death of
|>anybody knowing where you live and what guns you keep in
|>the house. It's a rational fear. But
I've noticed you've studiously avoided answering my
questions several times now. Why is that?
I probably didn't read your post.

What was your question.
Post by Little John
|>next time you gunloons get happy over your "gun free" sign
|>fantasies, just fantasize about putting up your own signs
|>that say you have guns in the house, describe some of the
|>guns and list their cash values.
That's about as intellegent as putting a sign out
describing your computer, tv, stereo, etc. Your whole
argument is bullshit, and you know it.
Yeah, I know that recent statistics indicate that having guns
increases your risk of burglary, to get the guns.

So when gunloons raise this bullshit about "gun free" signs,
they would never think of "free guns" signs in their own
yard, eh Little Yawn?
Post by Little John
What you're being asked to do is nothing more than if you
were asked to put a sign in the yard stating that your home
is a smoke free zone.
And all you're being asked to do is show us how more guns
means less crime. Let the world know you have guns in your
house - make your community safe from home invaders...

They'll be busy stealing your guns.

More guns means more crime.
Post by Little John
Declaring that you don't have or do
something is far from the opposite of declaring you do,
listing it, and giving the estimated value. Only a world
class moron would think it is.
Well I don't think gunloons are complete morons. I don't
think any of them are so stupid as to tell every passerby
they have guns. That would be crazy, eh Lil Yawn?

But when you guys say, life without guns is a death wish, or
like Flower says, if you're unarmed you're a slave, where do
you get this shit?

You just admitted that what you'd ask of people without guns,
you lack the balls to do yourself...

Because you're afraid of the consequences...


Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.


A thing that nobody believes cannot be proved too often.

— George Bernard Shaw
Herb Martin
2003-11-19 23:34:13 UTC
Post by The Lone Weasel
And all you're being asked to do is show us how more guns
means less crime. Let the world know you have guns in your
house - make your community safe from home invaders...
Already done by Lott and others but that isn't even the issue because
to take RIGHTS you would have to FIRST show that they led to an
increase in crime which you cannot AND THEN you would still be
left with the "social utility" versus the rights of law-abiding citizens
cannot be removed a priori a criminal violation and due process.

On balance, guns reduce crime but that isn't a necessary condition because
ON BALANCE removing 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment protections would
mean "less crime" but no one I know wants to live in THAT country.

Your arguments are just as fallacious as arguing for beating or torturing
SUSPECTS in a criminal investigations -- and just as stupid.
Herb Martin
The Lone Weasel
2003-11-20 00:42:17 UTC
Post by Herb Martin
Post by The Lone Weasel
And all you're being asked to do is show us how more guns
means less crime. Let the world know you have guns in
your house - make your community safe from home
Already done by Lott and others but that isn't even the
issue because to take RIGHTS you would have to FIRST show
that they led to an increase in crime which you cannot AND
THEN you would still be left with the "social utility"
versus the rights of law-abiding citizens which
cannot be removed a priori a criminal violation and due
"A priori" eh?

Laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh.

Well, there's evidence that more guns means more crime. And
it makes sense, if you have guns in your house, if criminals
find out you have guns, they're liable to steal your guns if
they get a chance. Probably the same with jewels, stamp
collections - my dad had a big stamp collection stolen along
with a Browning 20 gauge semiauto, somebody just busted into
his house and took it, because they knew it was there. One
of his students, apparently.

As to rights, if you mean gun rights you know that nobody's
gun rights are absolute. The rkba doesn't necessarily mean
you have a right to have any weapon you want, and it doesn't
mean you have a right to any gun you want, nor do you have a
right to use it or carry anywhere you want.

In fact, the people of your state can decide like the people
of Missouri did, they voted against ccw in 1999. But then
the NRA decided they'd ignore the will of the people - the
same people mentioned in the Second Amendment - and force
their own agenda on Missouri by paying off the legislature, a
tactic they're using now in Wisconsin. So you can drop the
pretense of "the rights of law-abiding citizens" because what
you really mean is the power of the gunlobby to get what it
wants regardless of what the people want.

Finally, the states retained the power of internal police
through the reserved powers under the Tenth Amendment, and
one of example of that power is the regulation of weapons
which existed decades before the US Constitution, before the
Bill of Rights, and the people will decide what kind of guns
rights they'll have whether you like it or not.
Post by Herb Martin
On balance, guns reduce crime but that isn't a necessary
Probably wrong.
Post by Herb Martin
condition because ON BALANCE removing 4th, 5th, and 6th
amendment protections would mean "less crime" but no one I
know wants to live in THAT country.
Strawman. You don't have any Second Amendment personal right
to have guns. State and federal case law proves it. The
fact that you can't cite a single federal Circuit or USSC
opinion that strikes down a state gun law on Second Amendment
grounds, although nearly all state gun laws would infringe a
personal gun right under the Second Amendment, shows you have
no real argument.
Post by Herb Martin
Your arguments are just as fallacious as arguing for
beating or torturing SUSPECTS in a criminal investigations
-- and just as stupid.
Then show us those federal appeals cases where state gun laws
are found unconstitutional on Second Amendment grounds, you
know Blurb, like the Texas statute criminalizing homosexual
sex was found unconstitutional. Many state anti-gay laws
were struck down, based on an actual Constitutional
right:"individual decisions concerning the intimacies of
physical relationships, even when not intended to produce
offspring are a form of 'liberty' protected by due process."
Lawrence v Texas (2003).

The gunlobby can't just buy a Constitutional right to have
guns, although I'm sure they're arrogant enough to think so.

You can't scrape up an argument with just your gunlobby
propaganda, Blurb. You'll just have to accept the fact that
the states grant personal gun rights; that a personal right
to have guns is many degrees of magnitude less important than
the right of the people to keep up a well-regulated militia
that has a fundamental right to keep and bear arms to defend
the state and everybody living in it.

That's the fundamental right granted by the Second Amendment,
not your personal right to have weapons granted by your state
constitution, but the great right of the people to defend
their government, homes, businesses, their land, all their
lives without exception, and their way of life, which is the
right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of the


The clause in the constitution of the United States, that it
is said to be in violation of, is the 2d article of the
amendments: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the
security of a free state, the right of the people to keep
and bear arms shall not be infringed." O. & W. Dig. 7. The
clause in the constitution of this state, which it is said
to violate, is the 13th section of the bill of rights:
"Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms,
in the lawful defense of himself or the state." O. & W. Dig.

The object of the clause first cited, has reference to the
perpetuation of free government, and is based on the idea,
that the people cannot be effectually oppressed and
enslaved, who are not first disarmed. The clause cited in
our bill of rights, has the same broad object in relation to
the government, and in addition thereto, secures a personal
right to the citizen. The right of a citizen to bear arms,
in the lawful defense of himself or the state, is absolute.
He does not derive it from the state government, but
directly from the sovereign convention of the people that
framed the state government.

The clause cited in our bill of rights, has the same broad
object in relation to the government, and in addition
thereto, secures a personal right to the citizen.

The right of a citizen to bear arms, in the lawful defense
of himself or the state, is absolute. He does not derive it
from the state government, but directly from the sovereign
convention of the people that framed the state government.
It is one of the "high powers" delegated directly to the
citizen, and "is excepted out of the general powers of
government." A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or
impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of
the law-making power.

Cockrum v. State, 24 Texas 394 (1859)

Jim Nicholson
2003-11-18 03:41:53 UTC
we see who the wuss is here, weasel. you showed your colors- and as i
said- want to change the game to get out of putting up a sign. locale
was not an issue before, but now you see i wasn't bluffing, you backed
out. WHAT A LOOSER!!! BTW, if you want to hollar profanities, why
don't we meet? what am i i thinking, you would wuss out of that too!
well, guess i am done with you, lone wuss, as my signs are flying and
yours are...well you don't even have any! ha! see ya'll in a few days
Tried to tell you about that guy.
2003-11-18 08:49:23 UTC
Post by Jim Nicholson
we see who the wuss is here, weasel. you showed your colors- and as i
said- want to change the game to get out of putting up a sign. locale
was not an issue before, but now you see i wasn't bluffing, you backed
out. WHAT A LOOSER!!! BTW, if you want to hollar profanities, why
don't we meet? what am i i thinking, you would wuss out of that too!
well, guess i am done with you, lone wuss, as my signs are flying and
yours are...well you don't even have any! ha! see ya'll in a few days
Tried to tell you about that guy.
yep. hes a odd one allrightthanks for the warning
Little John
2003-11-15 17:46:52 UTC
On 13 Nov 2003 23:39:20 -0800, in a fit of unbridled digital verbosity, once
again proving the problem is located between the seat and the keyboard,
***@yahoo.com (The Lone Weasel) two-fingered to all:

|>***@msn.com (ROBERT O'REILLY) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
|>> > > LOL!
|>> > >
|>> > > I was wondering if the anti-gun wacko holophobes were still selling
|>> > > "Gun Free" yard signs.
|>> >
|>> > Just like the gun loons are selling "Brain Free" yard signs.
|>> >
|>> > Webzpider
|>> actually, the "brain free" signs are sold in conjunction with the "gun
|>> free" signs. this is due to the lack of mentality of the anti gun
|>> crowd.the consensus is if they do not have the sense to arm themselves
|>> and think for themselves, as a result of their lack mental capability,
|>> the world is a safer if these citizens are unarmed. don't worry you
|>> shepple, we armed citizens will protect you too if the need arises.
|>Well, Mr. O'Reilly, I'll put up a GUN FREE sign on my fence facing the
|>street if you'll put a sign up on your fence or in your yard visible
|>from the street that says:
|>I HAVE GUNS! I HAVE [list your favorite guns] IN MY HOUSE! COME'N
|>I base the language of these signs on your claim that guns makes us
|>safe, while not having guns means that armed robbers could bust into
|>our houses ay virtually any time and kill us "shepple" who don't have
|>guns. So the extra taunting on your sign should make you safer, while
|>just telling everybody I don't have guns will probably get me killed
|>in a few hours. I think that's fair, don't you?
|>For this dare, I'll have to see a picture of your sign in the yard,
|>then I'll post a picture of my sign. First guy that takes down the
|>sign or makes it less visible is a pussy.
|>I've made this dare to lots of gunloons and none of them had the balls
|>to go through with it.

I take it that "This Property Protected By Smith & Wesson" and "Don't Worry
About The Dog, Avoid The Colt" signs won't do.


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